Page:A history of the military transactions of the British nation in Indostan, Volume 1.djvu/531

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INDEX. Lxxxvii Fort St. David, 212. m, 247. 50 Europeans sent thither from Pondicherry, who conspire with the Fr. prisoners at Arcot, 275. March, Mortizally comes from Velore to Pondicherry, and returns, 278. 1753. April, the troops of Velore defeat those of Arcot, mostly Sepoys, who desert their commander, Jo. Smith, and he, with two other Europeans, are taken prisoners, 287, 288. besiege Tri- nomalee, 305. where they are entirely defeat- ed and their general killed (316,) 317. m, 338. 1756. January, the Eng. army, com- manded by Kilpatrick, set down before Velore, 417. 'Negotiations there until the army re- turns to Arcot, 418 to 420. Great im- portance of the Fort and town, 420. in, 421. m, 425. i7 E L O R E, GoVERNOROE, PhOUSDAR OF, meaning Mortizally, m, 119, m, 131, m, 168. /«, 275. m, 278. m, 338. m, 372. Velore Pagoda, 4 m. West of Tritehinopoly, where the Mysoreanskept a detachment to in- tercept provisions. 1752. January, a party from the city blow open the gateway, and put all the Mysoreans within to the sword, 272. iTenkati Gherki, Vajjkati Gherri, 50 m. inland from the sea, about 70 m. x. e. of Madrass, the principal town of the Polygar Bangar Yatcham Naigue, 417. Vendaloor, a village 25 m. s. w. of Madrass, where Rajahsaheb with the Fr. troops encamp and fortify, but abandon it on the approach of Clive, February the 2d, 1752, p, 20S. V E R D A C H E L O M, V E R D A C HI L U M, PaGODA, large and strong, 40 m inland of Fort St. David. 1751. April, attacked, and sur- renders to the Eng. army with Gingen, who leaves 20 Europeans and 50 Sepoys in it, 171, 172. In July, it remains the only fort ac- knowledging Mahomedally, is invested by the troops of a neighbouring Polygar, who are dispersed by a detachment led by Pigot and Clive ; they send on the detachment to Tritehi- nopoly, 181, 182. is in the high road from Tritehinopoly to Trivadi, 248. and to Pondi- cherry, 28.3. 1753 July, surrenders to Hussan Ally, commander of the Fr. Sepoys, 305. Vicravandi, Town, near the Passes of Gingee. — — 1752. July the 26th, the Eng. Vtroops under the command of Major Kineer, ittack the Fr. posted here, and are repuls< 1 and routed, 253, 254, 255. the Fr. troops narch from hence and take VUlaparum, 255. Victoria Fort, the name given by the Eng. to Bancoote,rhen taken by Commodore James, April, 1755, p, 413. VUlanore, Villunour, near Pondicherry. 1750. February, Murzafajiug and Chunda- saheb, and the Fr. troops returning from Tan - jore, are harrassedby Morarirow, until they arrive here, 137. where they encamp 138. a cannonade between the Eng. troops with Na- zirjmg and the French troops here, a mutiny of the French officers in the camp obliges D'Autueil to march all the troops to Pondi- cherry, Chundasaheb accompanies them ; but Murzafajing surrenders himself to Nazirjing, 140, 141, 142. 1752. August, the Fr. army retreating from Fort St. David and Ba- lioor, encamp between VUlanore and Pondi- cherry, and being cannonaded, retreat into the bounds, 256. VUlaparum, a fort 12 miles N. of Trivadi, sur- renders July 23d, 1752, to Major Kineer, 253. retaken and demolished by the Fr. troops after their success at Vicravandi, 255. Virana, a General of the Mysoreans, leads the, van of the armywhen passing by Kistnavemm. February, 1752, very timorous. In April, 1753, commands in their detached camp at the Fac- quire's tope, which is frequently cannonaded there Dalton, and hearing of the approach of Major Lawrence with the army from Tri- vadi, he rejoins the main camp at Seringham, 282, 283. m, 285. ' Visiapore, Yiziapore Kingdom op, in the Peninsula, Mahomed, son of Sebegtechin, Prince of Gazna, who entered India in 1000, is said to have conquered as far as Viziapore, 9. several Polygars of this country reduced by SalabadjingandBussy in thier returnfrom My- sore to Hyderabad, in 1755, 405. Vistnou Wistchxu, a divinity of the In- dians, 2. whom no foreigner tan be admitted to the privilege of worshiping, 7. the iden- tical image of Wistchnu, which used to be worshipped by Brama, is in the Pagoda of Seringham, 178. Vizagapatam, Town and Factory belonging to the Eng. in the province of Chicacole. 1754. Jaffer Ally and Vizeramrauze apply to the Eng. there for assistance against the Fr. 373. the Morattoes ravaging Chicacole offer no violence to this place, •374. * Vizeramrauze, 1755, the most powerful Rajah in Chicacole, leagues with Jaffer Ally against the Fr. when this province is given to them, and applies to the Eng. at Madrass and Vizagapatam for assistance, 373. quits thq alliance of Jaffer Ally on the profers of Moracin the Fr. chief at Masulipatam, 373. who in revenge brings the Morattoes into Chicacoel, 373, 374. before whom Vizeram- rauze flies to Masulipatnam, and returns with a body of Fr. troops, who repidsethe Morat- toes, 374. Vizir, the first minister of the Emperor of In- dostan, governing all councils and depart- ments, Even his property escheats to the X x x 2 Great