Page:A history of the military transactions of the British nation in Indostan, Volume 1.djvu/532

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lxxxviii INDEX. Great Mogul on his death, 27. and a new pa- tent is necessary to give nobility to his son, 53. 1750, the pretensions of Mirzafajing sup- ported by the Vizir at Delhi, 158. YouoMi.ui, strong fortress on a high rock, with another, and a Pettah on the plain, 'JO m. inland from the sea coast, and in the high road between Arcot and Vritchinopoly, described, 172. 1752. June, the Governor sum- moned, and the Pettah attacked by the Eng- lish ; the Fr. troops admitted into the lower fart during the fight between the two armies, 172, 173, 174. m, 181. 1752. May 10th, D' Autueil invested by Dalton in Ctatoor,Teturns to Voleonduh, 227. the Governor promises to act against D' Autueil, when the Eug. shall at- tack him there, 233. D'Autueil advancing again is met by Olive, returns, is attacked, takes shelter in the lower fort, and surrenders his detachment and convoy, 233, 234, 235. m, 239. 1752. June, the English army -with the Nabob and his troops arrive here from Tritchinopoly, the Governor pays the Nabob 80,000 rupees, and promises to be punctual in future, 247. it is in the road from Vcrdaclie- lum to rtatoor, 283. >n, 363. Yulsijnattam, a fort at the southern issue of the pass of Nattam, the Eng. army with Heron halt, and pass the night here before they enter the pass, when the Colleries attacked and well nigh routed them, 391. Volton, De, a French surgeon, who had been physician to the Great Mogul, sent in 1752 by Ghaziodin Khan from Aurengabad with presents and profers to Dupleix, 274. w. w. aldore. See Valdore. Walsh. 1755. August, sent with LawTence and Palk to Arcot, to invite the Nabob to Ma- drass, 398. Wariore, Warriore, Pagodas, three m. w. of Tritchinopoly. 1752. July, garrisoned by Eng. Sepoys from the city. August, the Re- gent encamped there, 259. but moves to Se- ringham when Dalton reinforces the Pagodas, 259, 260. 1753. July, Dalton ruins the defences, 296. Mootachellinoor to the N. w.

  • 370. 1755, the English army in canton-

ments there, and in Feb. march from hence on the expedition into the Madura and Tinivelly countries, 380. June the 5th, encamp here again on their return, 395. W A R I O R E P O L L A M, THE WOODS OF WaRI- ore, the Polygar. 1753, the French troops at Chillambrum march against the Polygar, but are suddenly ordered to proceed to Seringham, 305, 306. These Woods lie 3 more East than the woods of Ariclore, and extend almost to the Coleroon, 396. 1755, June, the Polygar summoned by Maissin to pay tribute to Pondicherry, denies any de- pendence, except on the Nabob ; and the Eng- lish interfering, the French withdraw,39S, 397. WATSON, Admiral. 1754, .September, arrives on the C. of Coromandel with a 60, 50, and 20 gun ship, 371. October, the 11th, sails to Bombay, 375. 1765. January, returns to Fort St. David by a very able na- vigation against a contrary Monsoon, 379. (meets Mr. Pocoekc arrived on tliv roast with a 70 and a 60 gun ship; they sail to Tricono- malee in April, return to Fort St, David in Mag, where the Nabob visits Mr. Watson's ship, the Kent, 398. they come to Madrau in July, sail for Bombay on the 10th of October, and arrive there on the 10th of No- vember, 405. where the Presidency resolve to employ them against Angria, 407. 1756. February, Mr. Watson sails with his squadron and the fleet and land forces of Bombay to reduce Gheriah, in conjunction with an army of Morattoes. Gheriah surren- ders to him on the 13th of February after a cannonade of two days, 414 to 417. April, re- turns to Bombay, and arrives from thence at Madrass on the 12th of May, 417. AVeycondah, West of Tritchinopohj, near Wariore, originally a Pagoda, but converted I into a fort. 1753. August, Dalton endea- vours to blow up the defences, but the explo- sion fails, 296. a party of Mysoreans posted here, are beaten up by a detachment from the city, 299. the 9th, the Fr. troops routed by LawTence in the action of the convoy, take shelter here, 302. and encamp under the tire of this post, 303. the 23d, they aban- don it, on Lawrence moving to attack it, 304. who moves from hence to the Fac- quire's tope, 306. the Pagoda described, 314. September the 21st, taken by assault, a resolute Serjeant clambering the gate, 314, 315. the Eng. army move from hence to en- camp at the Fr. Rock, 315. 1754. May 12th, after the action against Polier and Cal- liaud, the enemy retreat by Weycondah to the Island, 356. WhitetToum of Madrass, described, 65. ■ 171., Sept. Delabourdonnais directs his attack aga t ust this division, 67. Oct. the Fr. fire froij the bastions on the troops of Maphuze ■ Khan, 74. 1749. Aug. during their pos- session, they had greatly improved the de- fences, 130. W'ilkey, Lieut. 1752. December, killed at the great choultry on the I of Seringham, 271. Wistchxu,