Page:A history of the military transactions of the British nation in Indostan, Volume 1.djvu/533

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INDEX. Wish bnv. See Vistxou. "W o m e n 1 740. AWm&r, Mortizallv the dress of a woman, accompanied by female attendants, . 50. 17 ol. JanuarJVTiul Nabobs direct their attack against the troops which escorted Murzafajing's women, whose trains and carnage in an "army are deemed sacred from violence, 163. X. Y. jul, Province. See Elore. lxxxix Yanam, a weaving Masidipatnam town, about 35 m. n of seize the *.***%&£$£«' ° fficers Zemindars mean the Indian hereditary holders of Land, with the authority of magistracy over the inhabitants of thei/dis- tncts. Several to the n. w. of Golcondah reduced by Salabadjing and Bussy in 17M pay their tributes, 436 " ' - END OF THE INDEX.