Page:A history of the military transactions of the British nation in Indostan, Volume 1.djvu/535

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ALPHABET TO THE INDEX. xci ittan N de. it-wall. ivalry. ivalry, of various Chiefs and Powers. ; x Meatus. iverl River. lundorah. ■rnc. ■Ijln. . iace, Capt. wrmaul. wtelpetore. iicacofe. ueftain. vilambaram, Chillambrum. vmundehm. 'inn. x imglapett. utapet. wtterdourg. kitigan. haul. Bu&ry. 'luekly-pollam. tmndasaheb. larke, Capt. xi. lire. belong. x ii. ichin. )ffee-tree. JffVees, Caffrees. )ja Abdulla Khan. flabby. Muddy, Koiladdtj. muddy. ilorcpettali . >lala. lleries. leroon River. 'morn Bay. xiii. vnorin, Cape. magee Angria. inandercoile. mdamnaigue. mdanore, Candanore. mdaiir. ndore, Condoor. njeveram. lolies. loper, Lieut. ra Gehanabad. otaparah. pe, Capt. romandel, Coast of. ithbeddin Ibek. xiv. ttapatam . vrtpauk. Crow, Lieut. < hidapah, Nabobship of. Oudapah, Nabob of. Oudda/ore. D. Dabul. Dalaway, or Regent of Mysore. Dalaway's Choultry. Dalton, Capt. DaMon'a battery. Damalc/ii n i. Darnerla Venkitappah. Danishmend Khan. Darby, E I. Ship. D'Autueil. Decan. Decan, Subah, or Viceroy of De Cattans, Cattans. Delabourdonnais, Bour- donnais. Delhi, ancient kingdom of. Delhi, Empire of. Diihi, Power and Au- thority of the Govern- ment. Delhi, City, Deleyrit. Deputy. Devre Cotah. Devi, Devi. isl. Devi Cotah. De "Volton, Volton. D'Herbelot, Herbelot. Diego Beys. Dindii/'d. Doastally. Doltabad, Fortress. Dow, Alexander. Dragoons. Duan. Dupleix. Dupleix, Mrs. Dupleix Fateabad. Dutch. Duvelaer. E. East InMia Company, English. East InMia Company, French, xx. East Indies. Elephant. E/erenweniih. Elimiserum. Elore Province. Emperor, Empire, Mogul. nic nMia mjie England. English. The Nation in general, their interests and Establishments in India in general. Meaning their Govern- ment, Presidencies, Set- tlements, Factories on the Coast of Coroman- del- xxf. Arms, Army, compriz- ing all the Operations of their Troops from 1746 to June 1756. xxii. Squadron. xxv. Ships. xxi. Deputies. Drums. Flag. Force. * Government in Bombay. Inhabitants of Madrass. xxvii. Ketches. Man. Mark. Men. , Ministry. Presidency, Madrass. Sepoys. Settlements. Eswara. Etiaporum. Europe. Ships. Recruits and, reinforce- ments, from Europeans, in general. Europeans. Europeans, in the Service of the Dutch. of the English. of the French. European Allies. Arms. Blood. > xxviii. Colonies. Force. Gunners. Infantry. Manner of War. Mariners. J Markets. Nation, Nations. Recruits. Troops. War. Facquires.