Page:A history of the military transactions of the British nation in Indostan, Volume 1.djvu/536

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XC11 ALPHABET TO r Facquires. Facquires tope. Felix, Lieut. Feritsha. Firouz. Firouz Schah. Firouz Schah Rocneddin. Fitscher. Five Hocks. Fort St. David. Fort St. George. xxix. France. Frazer, Lieut. Frazer, Mr. xxx. French Accounts. Aims. Army, its Operations. Artillery. xxxii. Attack, upon Tanjore. Battalion. Caf&ees. Camp. Commandant. Commerce. Company. Cannon. Councils. Deputies. Detachment . Dragoons. East India Company. Encampment near Tri- tadi. xxxiii Entrenchment at TW- vadi. Establishments Govern- ment, possessions. Set- tlements, and Terri- tories in Coromandcl, the Carnatic, and the Decan. * Field-pieces. xxxiv. Force. Garrison. Government. Gunners. Guns. Jesuits. Infantry. Influence. Inhabitants of Pondi- cherry. Interests. King. Laws. Men. Nation in general. Officers. Papers. Party. Posts. Prisoners. Quarters. Rock. Sepoys. Serjeant. Settlement, Settlements. Ships. Shot. xxxv. Soldier, Soldiers. Squadron. Stations. Territories. Troops. Tumbrils. Furrucksir. G. Gaiatheddin. • fallivats. Gandeleu, River. Ganges, River. Garden-house. Gaudcrmv. Gaio; Province. Gaurides, Dynasty of. Gazna, City, Province, Gaznavides, Dynasty of. Gehanguir, Pir Maham- med. Gehanguir. Gehan Schah. Gelaladdin. Ghazi-o-din Khan, father of Xizamalmuluck. Ghazi-o-din Khan, son of Nizamalmuluck. Gheriah. xxxvi. Gibraltar. Gingee. Gingen, Capt. Gingis Khan. Glass, Ens. Goa. Goa Fort. Godaveri River. Godeheu. Golcondah, Province of. Golcondah, City. Golcondah, Kings of. xxxvii. Gulden Rock. Gonderama, Gondegamc River. Goodere, Major. Gopaulrawze. Gopeemahoo. Gopinrawze. Grab. Grandchildren. Grand Vizir. Great Britain. Great Mogul. Grenadiers. Griffin, Admiral. Gulam Hassein. Gitnga River. Guzerat Province. Ilamed Schah. Hand. Harrasing. , Harrison, Lieut. Harwich, Ship of War. Hassan Ally. Hassein and Jussein. Hegira. Hendoo, Herbelnt. Heron, Lieut. Col. Hidayet-mohy-odean Khan. ; Hidernaig. Holcar Malargee. Holdernesse, Earl of. Holt, Ens. Hossan Ally Khan. Hussain Gauri. Hyderabad, Hydrabad.

I !■ ! Jaekalls. Jaffer Ally Khan, Jaffeii Ally, Jaffer Ally. Jaggernaut, Pagoda. James, Commodore. xjf James, the first. Japan, Jassein. | Jasseing. Ibrahim Ally. Ibrahim Loudi. Jehander Schah. Jehanguir. Jehan Schah. | Jemaul Saheb. | Jemautdars. Jembakistna. Jemidars. Jemmadars. Jessem Seing. Jesuit. Jews. Iletmische Shamseddin. £ India. | Indian, Indians. I.