Page:A history of the military transactions of the British nation in Indostan, Volume 1.djvu/540

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XCV1 V. Vsbeg Tartars. Vsbeg Tartary. Vtatoor, Streig/its, Fort. V. Vudaglutri, Polggar. Valaru, Valarru Hi Valdore, Waldore. Valid. I 'wash. Vansittart. Velore, Veloor Fort, Town, Domain, Fief. Velore, Governor of, Phousdar of. Ixxxvii. I 'elon Venkati Gharri, I "an.ia/i Qherri. I tnrfaloor. ALPHABET, &c I 'erdacfielhtm, Verdaehi- ban Pagoda. oandi. Victoria Fort. Yillanore, Villanour. Villapartem. Virana. Vitiapore, Vitiapore, King- dom of Vistnou, Wistchnu. Vizo'jopatam. Vizeramrauze. Vizir. Volcondali. Vohynattaui. Volton, De. W. Waldort, Valdorr. Walsh. Wariore, Warriore, Pagod. WuriorepnVuiiti, the Woods of the Poh/gar. Watson, Admiral. Wfi/condah. White Town of Hadrass. , Wilkey, Lieut. Wistchnu, Vistnou. Ixxxlx Women. Y. Yalore, Province. Yanam. Zemindars. Directions for the Binder to place the Maps.* General Map of Indostan, to face Page 1. Two Maps of Coromandel, to face Page 33. Gingee, to face Page 151. Tritchiaoffoly, to lace Page 1 SO. Country adjacent to Tritchinopoh , to face Page 24:; Chinglapet, to face Page 263. Plan of the Battle September 23, 17-j->. to face Page 314. Plan of the Attempt to take Tritchinopoly by Escalade, to face Page 321 Plan of the Country 18 Miles east, and 10 Miles west of Tritchinopoly to face Page 340. The above Maps are bound in a separate Volume. '1