Page:A history of the military transactions of the British nation in Indostan, Volume 1.djvu/539

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THE INDEX. xcv taja Jonagee, Jonagi. iajamundrum, Huja- mundry, Prov. laja mundnim. City. ajahsaheb, Razasaheb. lains. Rajpoots. tamagee Punt. teger.t or Dalaway of Mysore. lxix. evel Lieut. Vieddy. idge, Capt. obins*, Benjamin. loch, the Five, the French, the Golden, the Sugar loaf, in Tritchi- nopoly. lockets . oe, Sir Thomas. ,omi Khan. adatulla. adoudin;Khan. adrass. aducksaheb. ahah Rajah. t. Helena, Island. aint Louis. aint Paid, Iload in the Isle of Bourbon, aint Thomas Mount. Thome. alabadjing. amarcand, Samarcande. lxx. amiavaram, Samiave- ram, Pag. 'more, Savanore. ■m Thome, St. Thome, titarah. xeanore, Sanore, Nabob of. uvanore, Sanore, City, Province, audet Bunder. aujohee. sunders. aussaye, De Saussaye. lxxi. chah Gehan. cheabeddin, Fourth of the Gauridcs. lxxii. cheabeddin, son of Ghaziodin Khan. BOt, Col. eal. masons. la-winds. 2begteehin. Secrets. Seerpaw. Seid Laskar Khan. Seid Mahomed. Sepoys, Infantry in ge- neral. Sepoys, in the service of Chundasaheb. of the English, of the French. lxxiii. of Mahomedally. of Mortizally. of the Mysoreans. Various. lxxiv. Serbogee. Seringapatam . Seringham Island. Serjeant. Serpaw, Seerpaw. Seva Gungu. Sevagee. Sevemdroog. Shanavaze Khan. Sharock Sultan. lxxv. Shawlum Serjeant. Sheberto, mountains of. Shilinaikenpetiah. Shoals to the N. of Mau- ritius. Siddee. Smith, Joseph, Ens. Smith, Richard, Ens. Soubah, Suban, in ge- neral. Soubah, Soubahship of the Decan or Southern Provinces. Soubah, oi the Decan, Individuals. Soubahdar. Soubahships. lxxvi. Southern Countries. Squadron. Storm. Subderally. Succogee, Succojee. Surf u r - loaf rock . Sultan. Sun. Sunda, titreights of. Surat. I Swamyj Swiss. J Syria. Symmonds, Ens. Tageddin Ildiz. Tainana. ■Tamerlane. Tanjore, Country, King- dom, lxxvii Tanjore, City. Tanjore, King of. Tanjorine, Individuals, lxxviii. Tunjorincs. The Nation. Tanjore, Tanjorine, Tan- jorines, Army, Troops. Tanks. lxxix. Tartan. Tartars, Mogul. Tar tar y. Tavernier. Te Deum. Tellicherry. Tepra. Terriore. Thamas Kouli Khan. Thevenot, the Younger. Thibet, Great and Little. Thieves. Timury, Timery. Tinivclly, City, Town, Country. Tirambore. lxxx. Toglipoor. Toiidiman, Tondaman. Tondeman, the Polyyar. Tondiman, Country, Woods, of. Tondiman's Brother-in- law. Topasses, in general. Topasses in the service of Chundasaheb. of the English. of the French. of Mahomedally. lxxxi. of Morarirow. Trade Wind. Travencore, Country, King of. Traveneores. Treasures. Trenwith, Lieut. -> Tricatopoly. Trinconomalec, Bay and Harbour. Trinomalce. Tripetti, Pagoda. Tritchinopoly, Country, Districts, Kingdom. lxxxii. Tritchinopoly, City. Trivadi Pagoda. lxxxv. Trivandapariim. Trivatore. Trusler, Ens. Tuccogee. Tuckeasaheb. Turmecherin Chan. lxxxvi.