Thymol, 583
Thymolis iodidum, 623
Thymus, 423, 426
Thyrotropic iodine compound, 415
Thyroglobulin, 415
Thyroid deficiency, 417
preparations, 414 to 422
Thyroideum siccum, 422
Thyroxin, 414 to 422
Tiennas, 381
Tiglii, oleum, 216
Tin, 915
Tinctura antiperiodica, 556
benzoini composita, 173
camphor, co., 287
ferri chloridi, 904
Tinctures, 32
Tissue extracts, hemostatic, 443
with histamin-like actions, 44
T. N. T., 579
Toad, 460
Tobacco, 368 to 378
habitual use of, 374 to 378
Tolamine, 615
Tolerance, 93
Tolu, 67, 173
Toluene parasulphondichloramin, 616
Toluol, 571
Tolutanum, balsamum, 173
Tolutanus, syrupus, 68
Toluylazo-naphthol, 192
Tolysin, 601
Tomato-vine juice, 193
Torrefaction, 25
Touch-me-not, 193
Toxicodendrol, 192
Toxicologic analysis, 50 to 53
Toxicology, 48 to 58
Trachea, injections, 86
Tragacantha, 116
Transfer of results, 82
Transfusion, 786
Treatment of disease, 69
Trichloraldehyd, 695
Trichloromethyl-chloroformate, 145
Tricresol, 576
Trimethyl-oxyethylammonum, 366
Trimethylxanthin, 241 to 258
Trinitrin, 459
Trinitrophenol, 579
Trinitrotoluene, 579
Trional, 700 to 701
Trioxymethylen, 604 to 609
Triticum, 117
Triturations, 24, 36
Troches, 38
Trochisci krameriæ et cocainæ, 262
Trochiscus, 38
Tropacocain, 297, 315
Tropeins and tropin, 334
Troy weight, 45
Trypaflavins, 604
Trypan red, 362
Trypanosome experiments, 744, 867
Trypsin, 98
Tuberculin preparations, 631 to 632
Tubers, 17
Tungsten, 887
Turlington's balsam, 173
Turmeric, 65
Turpentine, 165, 166, 167
Canada, 167
Turpethum, 213
Tutin, 239
Twilight sleep, 355
Typhoid fever, atropin test for, 339
vaccine, 632 to 633
Tyramin, 427, 430 to 437
Tyrode solution, 749
Tyrosin, 436
Ulmus, 117
Unguentum, 40, 114
diachylon, 943
lanæ Co., 114
paraff., 114
Upas tiente, 239
Uranium, 889 to 891, 908
Urari, 381
Urate solvents, 847 to 850
Urea, 786
derivatives, hypnotic, 701
formation, 791
Ureter and remil pelvis, absorption from, 8S
movements, 327
Urethane, 702, 704
Urethra, absorption from, 85
Urginea, 491
Uric acid and its salts, 847 to 850
Urinary antiseptics, 624
bladder movements, 85
Urine, salt actions on, 753 to 755
Urosin, 602
Urotropin, 609 to 613
Urticaria, 121
experimental, 436
Useful drugs, 23
U. S. P. X., 23
Ustilago maydis, 433
Uteramin, 436 to 437
Uterine cavity, 85
sedatives and hemostatics, 499 to 452
Uterus, motor response of, 324 to 326
Uva ursi, 578
Uzara, uzaron, 400
VACCINE virus, 631
Vaccines, 625 to 633
Vagina absorption, 85
motor response, 326
Vagotonia, 339
Valerates, 166
Valerian, 165, 166, 450
Valerianates, 166
Vallet's mass, 902
Valyl, 166
Vanadium, 887
Vanillin, 67
Van't Hoff's theory, 731
Vas deferens, 326