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Page:A manual of pharmacology and its applications to therapeutics and toxicology (1922).djvu/1067

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Vaselin, 112
Vasodermal system, 317
Vasodilation, 441
Vasomotor mechanism, atropin and pilocarpin on, 323
reflexes, 126
"Vegetative" nervous system, 315
Vehicle, 58
Veratralbin, 514
Veratramin, 514
Veratridin, 509
Veratrin, 509 to 513
Veratroidin, 514
Veratrum, 509, 513 to 517
Vermicides and vermifuges, 217 to 223
Veronal, 702 to 703
Verworn's theory of oxygen deprivation, 638
Vesicating collodion, 190
Vesication, 121, 153, 190
Viburnums, 450 to 451
Vinegar, 851
Vinum antimoniale, 889
ferri and ferri citratis, 903
Virus vaccinicum, 631
Vis medicatrix naturae, 71
Viscum, 436
Vitamins, 102 to 105
Vitriol, blue, 917
green, 903
oil of, 154
white, 918
Vlemingkx's solution, 150
Volatile caustics, 132
irritants in warfare, 132 to 147
oils, 21, 164 to 175
poisons, 151
Vomiting center, 521
circulation and respiration in, 522
gas, 145
Vuzin, 557, 560 to 562

Wahoo, 491
Warburg's tincture, 556
War gases, 132 to 147
Warming plater, 191
Washing soda, 148
Water, 767 to 771
distilled, 771
withholding, 771
Water-hemlock, 239, 379
Waters, 30
Waters, mineral, 771 to 773
Waxes, 21, 114
Weights, 46
Wheals, 265
Whiskey, 659
White lead, 943
pine, compound syrup of, 795
precipitate, 934
vitriol, 918
Wild cherry bark, 723
Wine measure, 46
Wines, 33, 659
Wintergreen, oil of, 599
Witch hazel, 162
Wolfsbane, 509
Wood, 17, 18
alcohol, 660
Wool fat, 111
Woorara, 381
Worm seed, American, 220
Levant, 223
Wright's surgical solution, 782

XANTHIN, 241 to 258
Xanthins, methyl, 241 to 258
Xanthoxylum, 197
Xerophthalmia, 104
Xylyl bromid, 146

YEAST, 105
formation, 328
Yellow wash, 934
Yellow-cross shells, 175
Yerba santa, 69
Yohimbin, 315
Young's rule, 91
Yperite, 175
Yttrium, 907

Zinc, 917 to 918
carbonate, 918
chloride, 918
oleostearate, 919
oxide, 918
phenolsulphonate, 918
phosphide, 948
stearate, 919
sulphate, 530, 918
valerate and valerianate, 918
Zinziber, 198
Zirconium, 907
Zygadenus, 509