them: for our preſent maner is as vnfitte to helpe them in any wyſe, as the Frenche preſent maner of Cacographie, is vnfyt to help vs, to the true pronunciation of the french. whiche toungs, were neuer well learned by any ſtraunger, excepte it were by the lyuely voyce, and that ſeldome if it be not in youth: whyles the tongue is moſt pliable, and the witte moſt pregnante and inclined to ſpeeche. And in lyke maner, by the ſame certaintie and order, wee may be able to write read and pronoũce their ſpeaches, as they do: muche better and eaſyer, than by their owne maner of writyng: which was neuer nor coulde be doone, by our preſent abuſed maner.
And for the ſcruple than ſome may haue, that it shoulde not be lauful to teache and imprint any other maner, than that which is generally receyued, they may be hereby certified, that it is authoriſed, according to the order of the iniunction, that all bookes in the former maner, may alſo be imprinted in this maner. Thus you may ſee my wil is good, though my power be little, and therfore I doo put you in remembraunce, whiche doo acknowledge our abuſe, and deſire the reformation thereof, to shewe your zeale vnto your countrey, and to put your helping handes, to the furtheraunce of ſo greate and good a woorke: that the deſyrous now rude, neede not to doubt the want of bookes in the following maner; for their vſe: which is now their only diſcouragyng and ſtay: ſaying, when wee haue learned that (hauing no more bookes for our exerciſe) wee are neuer the better. But if there were imprinted for them, the pſalter, with the order of morning and euening prayer, and the new teſtament, there are many a thouſand wel diſpoſed creatures in England, wold be moſt glad to lerne it: which are out of all hope otherwise, euer to be able to reade. and they and their like, shalbe bounde to pray God, for your and your ſucceſſion, to the worlds end. Written in London, the xviij. of December. 1570.