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Page:A methode or comfortable beginning for all vnlearned (1570).djvu/13

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¶ Here foloweth the new maner of teaching: wherby who ſo can read Engliſh
only, may alone vnderſtand the order therof: and ſo be able to teach the ſame, to others that know no letter, to reade therafter, in a very ſhort time.

The Teacher ought firſt to knowe the names of the figures portrayd following for demonstration, & to name the Carecters or letters written ouer the ſayde portraytures with the firſt ſound or breath, or breath and ſound togither, of the names of every of them excepting two, as ſhalbe ſaid therafter. Wherfore, to make them certaine howe to ſound them, the accuſtomed name of eche thing written therevnder, as they are called in the Court, and Lõdon speaces, where the generall flower of all Engliſh countries speaches, are chosen and yield are choſen and vſed. And though ſome would ſay it were not ſo, reaſon would we ſhould graunt no leße: for that vnto theſe two places, do dayly