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Page:A profitable instruction of the perfite ordering of Bees.djvu/14

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The Table.

VVich honie is accounted beſt. cap. xxv.
Of the venomous honie, and of the wōderful hony of Creta. ca. xxvj.
Of the miraculous worthineſſe of honie. cap. xxvij.
How profitable the vſe of honie is in medicine. cap. xxviij.
Of the drinke of hony whiche they call the Mulſe water, or ſweete water of the Romaines. cap. xxxix.
Of the drinke Oenomel, which is made of pure wine & hony. ca. xxx.
Of the ſingular water of hony gottē by order of diſtillatiō. ca. xxxj.
Another maner of diſtilling the hony more at large taught. ca. xxxij.
The maner of diſtilling a water of hony named the Quinteſſēce. ca. 33
The maner of drawing and making waxe of the combes. cap. xxxiiij.
VVhat waxe is beſt allowed, &c. cap. xxxv.
Of the great cōmoditie and benefite of waxe in medicines. ca. xxxvj.
Of that whiche is a ſtay of the combes, and made for a defence of Bees. cap. xxxvij.
How to make waxe white. cap. xxxviij.
How to make red waxe. cap. xxxix.
How to draw a profitable oyle out of waxe for ſundry vſes. cap. xl.
Another way of drawing the oyle of waxe moſt noble, and dothe maruellouſly help the cold goute, the ſciaticke, the ſwelling of the
legges, and all other griefes of a colde cauſe.
cap. xlj.

Theſe deſcribed in the other Treatiſe.

CErtaine Husbādly cōiectures of dearth & plenty for euer. cap. j.
An euerlaſting Prognoſticatiō of the ſtate and cōdition of euery yeare, by the only calēds of Ianuary, writtē by the anciēt & learned
Leopol. Auſt. & other for the cōmodity of the wiſe husbādmē.
ca. ij.
How to foreknow the ſtate of the yeare by the only riſing of the dog ſtarre, out of the husbandrie of Diophanes. cap. iij.
Other profitabl inſtructiōs, right neceſſary for husbādmē to know. c. 4
A moſt profitable rule for the preſeruation of mans health, throughout the twelue monethes of the yeare, after the minde of diuers
learned of the Vniuerſitie of Padua.
cap. v.
Of the falling ſicke on any of the weeke dayes, out of that auncient Phiſition Hypocrates. cap. vj.
Of thoſe manifeſt ſignes, which declare raine to follow. cap. vij.
Of thoſe manifeſt signes which declare fayr wether to folow. ca. viij.