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Page:A profitable instruction of the perfite ordering of Bees.djvu/49

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the firſt Treatiſe.

¶Which Honny is accompted beſt. Cap. xxv.

CErtaine Countries doe excell in the perfecte goodneſſe of Honny, like as the famous Attica of Greece, which for the excellencie of the Honny is hadde in great reputation throughout the world. Hybla alſo & Hymetus being hilles of the ſame Countrie, which the deceiuers applie to Honny, that the ſame maye both be named Hymetus and Hybleus Honny. Creta, Cyprus, and Affrica, as in goodneſſe they are notable or worthy, ſo the abundant or maruellous plentie of the Honny is there commended. Alſo the newneſſe of Honny is likewiſe commended, as the auntientneſſe of wines, but the Spring and Sommer Honny, eſpecially if the veſſell or hiue ſtande in a valley or bottome, and doeth excell in the waight of hande. But the honny gathered of bitter hearbes is counted vnprofitable, as the ſame Honny which the Bees gather in the country of Pontus, where the Bees onely gather their honny of the Wormewoode. The white in all Countries is better eſteemed than the blacke, but the beſte honny is that whiche is very cleare, of a golden colour, of a moſte pleaſaunt and ſweete taſte, cleauyng ſomewhat to the fingers in the handlyng, and but little ſtiffening or waxing hard togither. And that the honny in the pouring forth, doth ſtraightway breake here and there, and ſquirteth or ſprinckleth (ſodainely as it were) ſundrie droppes abroad, which being on thys wiſe, Plinie teacheth to be the triall and ſure note of a good and profitable honny.

¶Of the venomous Honie, and of the wonderfull Honye of Creta. Cap. xxvj.

IT ſo much forceth to vnderſtande and know, what maner of foode ye ſame is, with the which ye Bees do liue, as ye poyſoned hony alſo, that may be gathered by them, whether it be euill or venomous. For the Honny of Heraclea in the Coun-

Ff. ij.