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The right ordering of Bees

trey of Pontus, hath bin for certaine yeares, very dangerous, eſpecially throughe a certaine hearbe growing white, whiche alſo vexeth their cattell by eating therof, named of the dwellers there, Aegellothron. But by theſe notes is that Honnye founde out and tried to be venomous, as firſte, that the ſame is not thicke at all, the colour brighter or more gliſtering, and hath a ſtrong ſauour, mouing forthwith often ſneeſing, and is alſo waightier. Alſo ſuch perſons, as taſte ſomewhat thereof, doe couet to lie or fall haſtily on the earth, ſeeking for coldeneſſe, and be all on a ſweate, ſo that in ſodaine daungers, muſte ſome ſpeedy helpes or remedies be miniſtred, like as the older Mulſe of the beſt hony, and herb Grace, or other like confections, be often miniſtred to ſuche perſons. There is alſo another kind of venoumous hony, in the border of the country of Pōtus, that for ye madneſſe which it engendereth, is named of the people Neonomenon: the ſame hony is ſuppoſed to be gathered of the floure Rhododendros, whiche groweth plentie there in the wooddes. Plinie writeth of a maruellous Honny to be in Creta, for that in Carina being a hill of that Countrey, he affirmeth a honny to be gathered, whiche the flies wil not touch, and ſuppoſed alſo to be a ſingular Honny, for the compoſition of euery medicine.

¶Of the miraculous worthineſſe of Honny. Cap. xxvij.

MOst men in Italy prepare and make their medicines whiche they purpoſe to keepe long, with honny, ſo that honny preſerueth euery thing from putrifying, which you would haue in ſafety, and to continue for a ſeaſō, through his clammineſſe. And of this, auntient men did embalme bodyes of the deade, which they would haue preſerued, and to continue ſound without corrupting many yeres, with hony only, and the ſame they alſo ſmeared within the tombes or ſepulchres of the deade, for the longer keeping of bodyes. The ſelfe ſame writeth the learned Papinius of ye body of Alexander, which was likewiſe
