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Page:A profitable instruction of the perfite ordering of Bees.djvu/65

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the firste Treatiſe.

¶The concluſion to the Reader.

THus (gentle Reader) I haue (I truſt) efull ye ſatiffied thy deſire in as manye things as are needefull to be knowen. And I committe this my little Booke to thy gentle iudgement: if thou mayſte receiue any profite or commoditie thereby, I ſhal be gladde of it, and if not, yet fauourably let it paſſe from thee

to others, whoſe knowledge and experience is leſſe than
thine herein, that they may gather ſuche things as
to them are ſtrange, thoughe to thee
wel known before. And thus
brieflye I committe
thee to God.


Hh. ij.