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¶Certaine Husbandly Coniectures
of Dearth and Plentie for euer.

The firſt Chapter.

ANd firſt conſider and marke, that howe the weather is a daye before the day preſente, and the daye after the Sunnes entraunce into the ſigne Aries, and ſuche like ſhall the weather be (for the moſte parte) in theſe three moneths, as in September, October, and Nouember.

And looke howe the weather ſhal be at the Sunnes entrance into the ſigne of Leo, as at the day of the entrance the daye before, and the daye after, and ſuch commonlye ſhall be in the moneths of December, Ianuarie, and Februarie, for if the winde ſhall then blowe oute of the North, or Eaſte, and thoſe daies drie, then ſhall followe a verye colde ſeaſon in thoſe three moneths: but if the winde blowe out of the South or Weaſt, and that it raineth in thoſe three dayes, then yſe to followe in thoſe three moneths. And if the weather in theſe three daies ſhal be neither wholy drie, nor wholy moiſte, then ſhall folowe an vnſtedfaſte Winter.

And like as the weather ſhall be at the Sunnes entraunce into the ſigne Libra, as at the daye of the entraunce, the daye before, and the daye after, ſuche for the more parte ſhall be the Spring, as in the moneth of Marche, Aprill, and May.

And looke howe the weather ſhal be at the Sunnes entrance into the ſigne Aquarius, at the daye of the entraunce, the daye before, and the daye after, (ſuche for the more parte) ſhall the weather be in the moneths of Iune, Iuly, and Auguſt.

And manye auntient men affyrme, that like as the weather ſhall be whiles the Sunne is running by the ſigne Libra, and vnto the 20. degree of Scorpio, which time is frō the daye named (the Exaltation of the croſſe) vnto the day of al Saints, ſuch for the more parte ſhall the yeare following be, as in diuiding that foreſaide time into twelue moneths, and that foure
