Page:A profitable instruction of the perfite ordering of Bees.djvu/72

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Husbandly Coniectures

And if in the Oke apple be founde like to Spiders, then doe they foreſhewe the plague or peſtilence to enſue in that yeare.

And to conclude, the onely proofe of the former taught, ſhal moue the Reader better to credite theſe.

An euerlasting Prognostication of the
ſtate and condition of euerye yeare, by the
only Kalends of Ianuarie: written by that antient
learned Leopoldus Auſtriacus, and others,
for the commoditie of the wiſe Huſ-
. Cap. ij.

AND nowe, when the firſt day of Ianuary ſhal happen on the Sunday, then the Winter ſhall be temperate and good, yet windie, the Spring wet, the ſommer drie, and the Harueſt hurtfull throughe windes. So that victualles shall be reaſonable good cheape, plentie of Wines, the good health & encreaſe of sheepe and other cattell, and the indifferent plentie of hony, and the like plentie alſo of Peaſon, Beanes, Uetches, and the herbes and fruites of the Gardens. Alſo yong men ſhal die that yeare, and a diſcorde to be feared betweene Kings, or elſe ſome manifeſt perils to happen to Kings and greate Prelates in aucthoritie, and that diuers robberies ſhall be attempted that yeare. And if controuerſies happen between Princes, then a concluſion of peace to be looked for in that yeare.

And if the firſte day of Ianuarie ſhall happen on the Monday, then ſhall the Winter be warme, the Spring very colde, with Snow and Froſtes that ſeaſon, the Sommer boiſterous through winds, and haile oftentimes, and lande floudes ſhall be ſomewhere, and the Harueſt very drie. So that ſickneſſes ſhall enſue, throughe which many of the ſimple ſorte ſhal then die, and diuers alſo ſhall die, throughe the ſodaine plague then
