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of the Weather.

happening. Alſo the likelihoode of greate alteration to enſue, & that auntient women to mourne, Kings to die, and a greate ſlaughter to be feared by the ſword. Alſo ſmall ſtore of wines, the death of Bees, and little hony that yeare.

And if the firſte beginning of the moneth of Ianuarie ſhal be on Tuiſday, then that Winter ſhal be long, and much ſnow in that ſeaſon, and the likelihoode of land floudes, throughe the muche raine then falling, the Spring windie, the Sommer verye wette, and the Harueſt abounding in groſſe and rotten humors (ſo that a moſte greeuous plague is to be feared, and eſpecially of women, and the likelihoode of many ſhipwrackes, and very greate cares and troubles to happen vnto Princes, with the ſcarcitie of fruites of the trees: and corne ſhall be deare, with the ſodaine death of cattel to be feared that yeare. Alſo wood ſhal that yeare be deare, and the likelihoode of fearefull fyres, and that the plague to be grieuous that yeare. And yet ſhal there be ſtore of Peaſon, Beanes, and Uetches, & plentie of hearbes and floures. Alſo there ſhall be plentie of Hony, Oyle, and wines that yeare.

And when the firſte of Ianuarie beginneth on the Wedneſday, then ſhall the Winter be warme and calme, the Spring wette, and diſpoſed to ſickneſſes, the Sommer hote, and the Harueſt vnprofitable, ſo that long ſickneſſes are to be feared, & the Quarten Ague with them. Alſo yong men ſhall then be ſick, and in ieopardie of death, and women the like, & in ſundrie places ſhall happen a famine, with a greate brute of ſtraunge newes. And there is alſo to be feared the grieuous paſſions of the hearte, the ydleneſſe of minde, or rather diſtraught, and the diſeaſes of the matrice in women. And yet the plentie of Oyle and Wines, but the ſcarcitie of corne to be doubted that yeare.

And if the beginning of Ianuarie be on Thurſedaye, then ſhall the Winter be calme, & temperate, the Spring windie, the Sommer vnſeaſonable, and the Harueſt drie, ſo that corne and victualles ſhall then be deare, yet ſtore of Oile and Wines that yeare. And there is a likelihoode of lighte ſickeneſſes

Ii. j.