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Page:A profitable instruction of the perfite ordering of Bees.djvu/76

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Husbandly Coniectures

And if the Moone runne then in the ſigne Leo at the firſte ſight of the dogge ſtarre, it after promiſeth the plentie both of wines and Oyle, and the good cheape of corne and other victuals that yeare. And yet to bee feared the commotions of the common people, and ſlaughter of the ſame to enſue, with an erthquake, and land floudes to happen in that yeare.

And if the Moone runne then in the ſigne Uirgo, at the firſt appearance of the dogge ſtar, it after ſignifieth the plentie of ſhowers, and the greate ſtore of fruites of the earth, and the cheapeneſſe alſo of cattell. And yet to be feared, that women ſhal be deliuered before their time in that yeare.

And if the Moone runne then in the ſigne Libra, at the firſt appearance of the dogge ſtarre, it after declareth the ſtirring vp of a king, and a commotion of the common people. And yet the plentie of fruites of the trees, although there be a likelyhood of the ſcarcitie of corne and oyle in that yeare.

And if the Moone runne then the ſigne Scorpio, at the firſt appearance of the dogge ſtarre, it after declareth the commotion of prieſts, the deſtruction of Bees, and an infectiue aire to enſue that yeare.

And if the Moone runne then in the ſigne Sagitarius, at the firſt ſight of the dogge ſtarre aboue the earth, it after ſignifieth a raynie yeare, yet fruitefull, and the plentie of corne, and ioy among men. And yet is to be feared the death of cattell, & the multitude of foules in that yeare.

And if the Moone runne then in the ſigne Capricornus at the firſt appearance of the dogge ſtar aboue the earth, it after declareth the commotion of ſouldiours, and greate ſtore of raine, and yet the plentie of corne, wines and Oyle, and al other thinges good cheape in that yeare.

And if the Moone run then in the ſigne Aquarius, at ye firſt appearance of the dog ſtar aboue the earth, it after ſignifieth of a moſt likelyhood, the death of a king or Prince, the ſcarcitie of corne, and the plentie of ſuch flyes with the long hinder legges, that burne corne by the touching of it. And yet little raine, with the plague to enſue in that yeare.
