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Of the Weather.

the Eaſt, then doth the ſame ſignifie the death of cattell to enſue that yeare.

And if the ſame night the winde happen to blowe out of the Weſt, then a likelyhood of the death of Kinges or Princes to enſue that yeare.

And if in the ſame night the wind happen to blow out of the South, then doth the ſame ſignifie the death of manye perſons to enſue that yeare.

And if in the ſame night the wind happen to blow out of the North, then doth the ſame ſignifie the ſmall yeelde of all fruites of the earth that yeare.

¶Howe to foreknowe the ſtate of the yeare, by the only riſing of the dogge ſtarre, out of the husbandrie of Diophanes. Cap. iii.

AND about the knowledge of this, there is to be conſidered and noted, in what ſigne the Moone ſhall then be, at the firſt appearance of the dogge ſtarre aboue the Earth in our Realme of England, which generally to be reckened is about the ſeauenth day of Iuly.

And nowe if the Moone runne then in the ſigne Aries, at the firſt appearance of the Dog ſtarre, it doth after declare the death of Cattell and much raine. So that ſmall yeelde of corne yet plentie of Oyle ſhal be that yeare.

And if the Moone runne then in the ſigne Taurus, at the firſt appearance of the dog ſtarre, then doth it ſignifie much raine, fogges and miſtes that ſhal harme much that yeare.

And if the Moone runne then in the ſigne Gemini, at the firſt appearance of the dogge ſtarre, it doth after promiſe the plentie of corne and wine and all other fruites of the earth, a yet diſeaſed yeare, and to be doubted that a King ſhal then die, and that rebellion alſo ſhall be moued that yeare.

And if the Moone run thē in the ſigne Cancer at the firſt appearance of the dog ſtarre, aboue the earth, it doth after threaten drought, with the great ſcarcitie of corne to enſue in ye yere:

Ii. iii.