Demonstrative Pronouns.
Singular. Plural. com. gen. neut. den,
hintthis, or that. de, these, or those.
disse, these.
hine, those.sådan,
sligtsuch sådanne.
slige.samme, samme, same samme. selv, selv, self selv. begge, both.
Relative Pronouns.
1. Som, 'who,' 'whom,' is used for both genders and numbers, and indifferently in the nominative and accusative; as, Konen som så mig, 'the woman who saw me;' Konen som jeg så, 'the woman whom I saw.'
2. Der, 'who,' 'that,' is used for both genders and numbers, but only in the nominative; as, Manden der gik ud, 'the man who went out.'
3. Hvem, 'whom,' is used incorrectly in the nominative in the nominative instead of hvo, 'who,' and should be employed only in the objective; hvis, 'whose,' is used only in the genitive.
4. Hvad, 'what,' is used only in the neuter singular.
5. Hvilken, hvilket, pl. hvilke, 'which.' In the place of this pronoun, where an interrogative is required, the expression hvad for en (what for a) is often used; as, Hvad for en Gut (Norweg.) mener de? "What boy do you mean?"