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Page:A simplified grammar of the Danish language.djvu/37

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Indefinite Pronouns.

Singular. Plural.
al, alt, alle, all.
anden, andet, andre, other.
ingen, intet, ingen, none.
mangen, mangt, mange, many.
nogen, noget, nogle, some, some one.
enhver, enhvert, ... each.
en, et, one.
man, one; people.
hinanden, each other.
hverandre, one another.

Nogen and ingen correspond with 'some one,' and 'no one;' as, Er den Ingen i Huset? "Is there no one in the house?" Jo, der er Nogen hjemme, "Yes, there is some one at home."

Mangen en, mangt et, 'many a one,' are used as in English, but are perhaps of more frequent occurrence in ordinary conversation. Nogle få, pl., 'some few,' admits of being used as in English.

VERBS. (Udsagnsord.)

Dano-Norwegian Verbs have three forms, the active, the passive, and the deponent.

The principal auxiliaries are at have, 'to have,' and at være, 'to be,' which are conjugated by the help of other auxiliaries, as, at skulle, 'shall;' at ville, 'will;' at måtte, 'may;' at kunne, 'can;'—all of which are more or less defective. At blive, 'to be,' 'to remain,' and at få, 'to