Page:A simplified grammar of the Roumanian language.djvu/51

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a vede, ‘to see.’ a crede, ‘to believe.’

Indicative Present.

eŭ vĕd, ‘I see.’ eŭ cred, ‘I believe.’
tu veḍĭ, tu creḍĭ,
el vede, el crede.
noĭ vedem, noĭ credem,
voĭ vedeṭĭ, voĭ credeṭĭ,
eĭ vĕd or vede. eĭ cred or crede.

We see here that the third person singular of the verbs of the second class ends in e, whereas in the case of the first class it ends in ă. The third person plural is vede, crede, ending thus with e; but this plural is often without it, in which case, to distinguish this third person plural from the first singular, we add an ŭ:

vĕd, ‘I see;’ rĕ, ‘they see.’
cred, ‘I believe;’ cre, ‘they believe.’

With regard to the accent, we remark that in this tense and also in the subjunctive present, the verbs ending in e long have the accent on their final em, eṭĭ, of the first and second persons plural, whereas those ending in e short have the accent on the previous syllable:

vedem, ‘we see;’ vedeṭĭ, ‘you see;’
credem, ‘we believe;’ credeṭĭ, ‘you believe;’

this being the only difference in their conjugation.