Page:Account of John Harrison and his chronometer.djvu/8

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also to note down the time given by the Time Keeperr immediately upon the first Arrival, and these two times there attested ought to be sealed up and sent to the Lords of the Admiralty.

Fourthly, The Persons appointed to take the time at Jamaica or some other sufficient Person should remain there to observe the Eclipses of Jupiters Satelited in order to determine the difference of Longitud and another Person ought to be appointed to make the corresponding Observations at Portsmouth upon the said Eclipses and both these Observations relating to the difference of the respective Longitudes should likewise be sealed up and sent to the Lords of the Admiralty.

Mr. Bliss the Saviian Processor at Oxford is willing to undertake the last service at Portsmouth and as to the former the Council will cause due enquiry to be made after a proper Person or Persons with all possible expedition.

Finally It is recommended to the Board of Longitude that the Instruments to be made use of in Observing the Eclipses of the Satellites both at Jamaica and at Portsmouth be of the same focal length and magnifying power.

July 3rd, 1761
The Instruments that will be proper to send to Jamaica for Observing the satelites of Jupiter are equal Altitude Instruments, a reflecting