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English Classic Series,


Classes in English Literature, Reading, Grammar, etc


Each Volume contains a Sketch of the Author's Life, Prefatory and Explanatory Notes, etc., etc.

These Volumes are thoroughly adapted for Schools in which English Literature forms a branch of study, or where a carefully selected portion of some English Classic is chosen for minute examination, or for supplementary reading. The notes are unusually full and exhaustive, occupying in many volumes nearly half the book. Etymology is attended to throughout, the derivations of all the more difficult words being given. In short, they supply the student with all the information necessary to a perfect understanding and just appreciation of the text, and incidentally communicate much useful philological and general knowledge.

1 Byron's Prophecy of Dante.

(Cantos I. and II.)

2 Milton's L'Allegro and Il Penseroso.

3 Lord Bacon's Essays, Civil and Moral.


4 Byron's Prisoner of Chillon.

5 Moore's Fire - Worshippers (Lalla Rookh. Selected from Parts I. and II.)

6 Goldsmith's Deserted Village.

7 Scott's Marmion. (Selections from Canto VI.)

8 Scott's Lay of the Last Minstrel.

(Introduction and Canto I.)

9 Burns' Cotter's Saturday Night, and Other Poems.

10 Crabbe's The Village.

11 Campbell's Pleasures of Hope.

(Abridgment of Part I.)

12 Macaulay's Essays on Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress.

13 Macaulay's Armada, and other Poems.

14 Shakespeare's Merchant of Venice.

(Selections from Acts I., III. and IV.)

15 Goldsmith's Traveller.

16 Hogg's Queen's Wake.

17 Coleridge's Ancient Mariner.

18 Addison's Sir Roger de Coverley.

19 Gray's Elegy in a Country Churchyard.

20 Scott's Lady of the Lake. (Canto I.)

21 Shakespeare's As You Like It, etc.


22 Shakespeare's King John and King Richard II. (Selections.)

23 Shakespeare's King Henry IV., Henry V., Henry VI. (Selections.)

24 Shakespeare's Henry VIII. and Julius Cæsar. (Selections.)

25 Wordsworth's Excursion. (Book I.)

26 Pope's Essay on Criticism.

27 Spenser's Faerie Queene. Cantos I. and II.)

28 Cowper's Task. (Book I.)

29 Milton's Comus.

30 Tennyson's Enoch Arden.

31 Irving's Sketch Book. (Selections.)

32 Dickens' Christmas Carol.


33 Carlyle's Hero as a Prophet.

34 Macaulay's Warren Hastings.


35 Goldsmith's Vicar of Wakefield.


36 Tennyson's The Two Voices and A Dream of Fair Women.

37 Memory Quotations. For use in High Schools and upper classes of Grammar Schools.

38 Cavalier Poets.

39 Dryden's Alexander's Feast and MacFleknoe.

40 Keats' The Eve of St. Agnes.

41 Irving's Legend of Sleepy Hollow.

42 Lamb's Tales from Shakespeare.

43 Le Row's How to Teach Reading.

The author of this manual has had long and successful experience in teaching this subject.

44 Webster's Bunker Hill Orations.

45 The Academy Orthoëpist. A Manual of Pronunciation for use in the Schoolroom, including a special list of proper names of frequent occurrence in literature, science and art.

46 Milton's Lycidas, and Hymn on the Nativity.

47 Bryant's Thanatopsis, and other Poems.

48 Ruskin's Modern Painters.

49 The Shakespeare Speaker. Selections from Shakespeare for declamation.

50 Thackeray's Roundabout Papers.

51 Webster's Adams and Jefferson Oration.

From 32 to 64 pages each, 16mo. Others in Preparation.

A single copy sent by mail on receipt of 12 cents.

Published by Clark & Maynard, 734 Broadway, New York.