Page:Admonition against Profane and Common Swearing.djvu/14

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A Private Admonition

Hitherto you have ſeen the Sinfulneſs of common Swearing: And every Practice that is ſinful being a Tranſgreſſion of ſome Law, I have ſhewn you, that this is a Tranſgreſſion of a plain and poſitive Law given by Jeſus Chriſt. And the more clear and expreſs this Law is, the greater is the Guilt of going on in an open Contempt of it.

2. You ſhall now ſee the Aggravations of Guilt, which render common Swearers more wicked and inexcuſable than any other Sinners whatſoever.

One great Aggravation is, That there is no Temptation to Swearing: By the Commiſſion of moſt other Sins, ſome natural Deſire or Inclination is ſatisfied, or ſome preſent Intereſt is ſerved. But the common Swearer has nothing of this to plead in his Excuſe: He cannot ſay, there is any Thing in his Conſtitution that inclines him to Swearing, or that he ſerves any worldly Purpoſe or Advantage by it; and therefore he ſins for the Sake of Sinning, only to defy and provoke God. Now the leſs Temptation there is to commit any Sin, the Commiſſion of it becomes more inex-
