Page:Admonition against Profane and Common Swearing.djvu/15

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againſt Swearing.

cuſable, and a higher Contempt of the Authority which has forbidden it; and ſince there is no Temptation at all to Vain-Swearing, it is in this Reſpect more inexcuſable, and a greater Degree of Perverſeneſs, and a more obſtinate Contempt of God and his Laws, than any other Sin.

Another Aggravation of the Guilt of Common Swearing, is the Frequency of it; that it is repeated every Day, and every Hour, nay, almoſt every Minute, after it is grown into a Habit. Oaths flow from ſuch Men without Thinking, and are a conſtant and almoſt neceſſary Part of their Mirth, Paſſion, and Diſcourſe. Now, if every ſingle Act of Sin renders us guilty in the Sight of God; what a dreadful Degree of Guilt muſt reſt upon the Soul of the Common Swearer, who is perpetually adding to the Account, and heaping up Wrath againſt the Day of Wrath. The Tongue is a nimble Member which moves ſwiftly, and, if ill employed, multiplies Sin a-pace: And as the nobleſt Work that belongs to it, is, to ſet forth the Praiſes of God on
