Page:Adrift in the Pacific, Sampson Low, 1889.djvu/165

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Forbes bowed his head and lowered his eyes, not daring to look at Evans or Kate or the boys before whom he stood. And he was silent.

Kate spoke.

"Forbes," said she, "you once showed a little pity in preventing your mates from killing me during the mutiny on the ship. Will you do nothing to save the children from a more frightful massacre?"

Forbes did not reply.

"Forbes," said Kate, "they have given you your life when you deserved to die ! All humanity is not dead within you I After doing so much evil, why not do a little good?"

A half-stifled sigh came from Forbes.

"What can I do?" he asked, almost in a whisper.

"You can tell us," said Evans, "what was to have happened last night, what is to happen now. Was Walston waiting outside till one of the doors was opened?"

" Yes." said Forbes.

"And these children who welcomed you were to be murdered?"

Forbes bowed his head again.

"Which way did the others come here?" asked Evans.

"From the north of the lake," answered Forbes.

"While Rock and you came from the south?"

" Yes."

"Have they been in the west of the island yet?"

"Not yet."

"Where are they now?"

"I don't know."

"You can tell us no more?"


"But you think Walston will come back?"

"I do."

Evidently Walston had been alarmed by the shot, and seeing that the stratagem had failed, had judged it best to clear off till a more favourable occasion.

Evans despaired of getting any more information