Page:Adrift in the Pacific, Sampson Low, 1889.djvu/166

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from Forbes, and led him back to the cupboard, and locked him in.

Matters were now serious enough. Where was Walston? Was he camped in the thickets of Trap Woods? It was necessary to know, and Evans decided to seek in that direction, although the attempt might be dangerous.

It was nearly noon when Moko took the prisoner some food. Forbes hardly touched it, so depressed did he seem to be. What was passing in his mind? Had his conscience made him a prey to remorse?

After dinner Evans told the boys of his intention to go out towards Trap Woods with a view of finding out if the pirates were still near French Den. The proposition having been accepted without discussion, arrangements were made to run the least danger.

Walston and his companions were now only six since Forbes's capture, while the little colony numbered fifteen without counting Kate and Evans. But from the seventeen in all, there had to be taken the younger ones, who could take no direct part in the fight. It was decided, therefore, that while Iverson, Jenkins, and Dole remained in the cave, with Kate, Moko, and Jack, in charge of Baxter, the bigger boys, Briant, Gordon, Donagan, Cross, Service, Webb, Wilcox, and Garnett should accompany Evans. Eight boys to six men did not appear to be a fair match, but each of them was armed with a gun and a revolver, while Walston only had the five guns saved from the ship; so that a long-range fight might give them a chance, particularly as Donagan, Wilcox, and Cross were much better shots than the American seamen. Besides, they had plenty of ammunition, while Walston was reduced to a few cartridges.

It was two o'clock when Evans and his troop set out. Baxter, Jack, Moko, Kate, and the little ones immediately returned to the cave and shut, but did not barricade, both doors, in case the scouting party had to run for shelter. There was nothing to fear on the southern side or even on the western, for to come that