Page:Advanced Australia.djvu/202

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socialism, the equality of women as voters with men, and the establishment of an independent nation under its own flag infinitely more remote and difficult than under existing conditions. It would be far more arduous to move the Federation Parliament, with its senate of rich Conservatives, than to stir the local Parliaments in the direction of progress." The last sentence, and indeed the whole utterance, is encouraging; to all except political experimentalists.

On July 7, the same speaker ridiculed the statement of Mr G. H. Reid, the Premier of New South Wales, that the other States as a Commonwealth would defend Western Australia from foreign invasion with their last shilling and their last man. It was the British Empire, he said, upon which they would have to rely in such circumstances. These are the methods of the paid agitator.

Appendix C


From a Report presented in the Statement for the Year ended 31st March 1899.

The Registrar, Old-age Pensions, to the Hon. the Colonial Treasurer.

Old-age Pensions Office,
, 19th June 1899.

"I have the honour to make the following report for your information.

"The Act came into force on the first day of November 1898. In the same month a Registrar was appointed, and in December old-age pension districts were constituted, deputy registrars were appointed, and notices were issued throughout the colony that forms of claim were obtainable at all post-offices.

"The number of pensions granted during January 1899, in respect of which payments were made up to the 31st day of