Page:Advanced Australia.djvu/203

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March 1899, inclusive, was 2,133, and the amount paid in respect thereof was £3,124, 1s. 8d. The amount paid in respect of other than pensions up to the 31st day of March 1899, inclusive, was £510, 8s. 1d.

"The total number of pensions granted up to the 31st day of March 1899, inclusive, was 7,487, representing a yearly payment of £128,082; the average pension being about £17, 2s.

"The amount of absolutely forfeited instalments up to the 31st day of March 1899, inclusive, was £12, 5s.

"The number of pensioners who died before the 31st day of March 1899, inclusive, was thirty-eight, and the number of pensions cancelled up to that date was six, representing altogether a yearly payment of £763.

"The number of pension certificates transferred from one old-age pension district to another, up to the 31st day of March 1899, inclusive, was twenty-three.

"It is scarcely to be expected that the administration of a new measure will be altogether smooth at first. It is, therefore, a matter for congratulation that few difficulties have presented themselves, and that an entirely new experience had been generally anticipated in the detailed provisions of the Act and regulations.

"Under the existing Act no provision is made for any payment to the representatives of a deceased pensioner. It seems reasonable that the portion of an instalment accrued up to the date of the pensioner's death should be paid to the person who has defrayed the expenses of burial. It seems desirable also that near relatives from whom a pensioner may legally claim maintenance should not be relieved by the Old-age Pensions Act of such responsibility. I recommend also that the Colonial Treasurer should be empowered to pay an instalment of pension which has been forfeited through non-delivery of the pension certificate or other cause, not being the fault or neglect of the pensioner.

"Sub-section (3) of section 13, relating to the method of calculating the joint income of husband and wife, has not been uniformly interpreted. It might be well to remove all doubt as to the intention of this provision.

"The claims of some persons, who are otherwise qualified, have