Page:Advice to young ladies on their duties and conduct in life - Arthur - 1849.djvu/21

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his selfish spirit, and he will find something rising in his bosom that he would not like to call love.

The true spirit of religion is a love of being useful to others; and a religious life is the seeking, in all we do, the good of others, at the same time that we fully acknowledge that the ability to do so is not our own, but comes from God, who is the source and giver of all good. Every one, to be happy, must lead such a life; and this is the reason why we urge the considerations now presented, upon the attention of those for whose particular benefit we write.

A just regard for the good of others will not require a woman to neglect any home duty, but will prompt to its more perfect and faithful discharge. Her charity will consist in doing all that her hands find to do, with cheerfulness and alacrity, for the sake of others. The comfort and happiness of others are always in her hands, and every act of her life either adds to or diminishes the comfort and happiness of one or many.

In the beginning, let a young woman remember, that, as she cannot live for herself alone, it will be true wisdom for her to seek to live for others. Every day of her life she will find herself placed in circumstances that, if improved, will enable her to give pleasure to, or perform some useful thing for, another; and her reward