Page:Advice to young ladies on their duties and conduct in life - Arthur - 1849.djvu/22

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for so doing will be a delight sweeter far than can possibly spring from any selfish gratification.

Two young ladies sat reading, when a child entered the room, in trouble about his playthings. Something had got wrong, which he could not remedy. He came up to one of them with his useless toy, and asked her to fix it right for him; but she gently pushed him away with her hand, saying, “Go away, now; I cannot attend to you.” He then went to the other, who laid aside her book with a smile, and repaired the toy. It was the work of only a minute, but it was a great matter for the child. His thanks were expressed in his brightening face. The musical ringing of his happy voice, as he bounded from the room, echoed back from the heart of the maiden. In blessing, she was herself blessed.

“Let me wait upon the table, mother,” said a daughter, as the family were assembling for tea. “Your head has ached all day, and you are not well this evening.” The mother gave up her place at the head of the table, with a feeling of pleasure, at the affectionate consideration of her daughter, that sensibly diminished the pain of her aching head. It was a little matter, seemingly, this act of the daughter’s, but much was involved in it. The mother was happier, and the daughter felt a glow of internal satisfaction