- § 81. Kinetic Energy.
- 82. Pressure Distribution. Fluid Tension as Hypothesis.
- 83. Application of the Theorem of Energy.
- 84. Energy of Superposed Systems.
- 85. Example: Cyclic Superposition.
- 86. Two opposite Cyclic Motions on Translation.
- 87. Numerical Illustration.
- 88. Fluid Pressure on a Body in Motion.
- 89. Cases fall into Three Categories.
- 90. Transverse Force Dependent on Cyclic Motion. Proof.
- 91. Difficulty in the case of the Perfect Fluid.
- 92. Superposed Rotation.
- 93. Vortex Motion.
- 94. Discontinuous Flow.
- 95. Efflux of Liquids.
- 96. The Borda Nozzle.
- 97. Discontinuous Flow. Pressure on a Normal Plane.
- 98. Deficiencies of the Eulerian Theory of the Perfect Fluid.
- 99. Deficiencies of the Theory—continued. Stokes, Helmholtz.
- 100. The Doctrine of Discontinuity attacked by Kelvin.
- 101. Kelvin's Objections Discussed.
- 102. Discussion on Controversy—continued.
- 103. The Position Summarised.
- 104. The Author's View.
- 105. Discontinuity in a Viscous Fluid.
- 106. Conclusions from Dimensional Theory.
Wing Form and Motion in the Periptery.
- § 107. Wing Form. Arched Section.
- 108. Historical.
- 109. Dynamic Support.
- 110. In the Region of a Falling Plane. Up-current.
- 111. Dynamic Support Reconsidered.
- 112. Aerodynamic Support.
- 113. Aerodynamic Support—continued. Field of Force.
- 114. Flight with an Evanescant Load.
- 115. Aeroplane of Infinite Lateral Extent.
- 116. Interpretation of Theory of Aeroplane of Infinite Lateral Extent.
- 117. Departure from Hypothesis.
- 118. On the Sectional Form of the Aerofoil.
- 119. On the Plan-form of the Aerofoil: Aspect Ratio.
- 120. On Plan-form—continued. Form of Extremities.
- 121. Hydrodynamic Interpretation and Development.
- 122. Peripteroid Motion.
- 123. Energy in the Periptery.
- 124. Modified Systems.
- 125. Peripteroid Motion in a Simply-connected Region.
- 126. Peripteral Motion in a Real Fluid.
- 127. Peripteral Motion in a Real Fluid—continued.