The Aeroplane. The Normal Plane.
- § 128. Introductory.
- 129. Historical.
- 130. The Normal Plane. Law of Pressure.
- 131. Wind Pressure Determinations.
- 132. Still Air Determinations.
- 133. Quantitative Data of the Normal Plane.
- 134. Resistance a Function of Density.
- 135. Fluids other than Air.
- 136. Normal Plane Theory Summarised.
- 137. Deductions from Comparison of Theory and Experiment.
- 138. The Nature of the Pressure Reaction.
- 139. Theoretical Considerations relating to the Shape of the Plane.
- 140. Comparison with Effiux Phenomena.
- 141. The Quantitative Effect of a Projecting Lip.
- 142. Planes of Intermediate Proportion.
- 143. Perforated Plates.
The Inclined Aeroplane.
- § 144. Introductory. Present State of Knowledge.
- 145. The Sine2 Law of Newton.
- 146. The Sine2 Law not in Harmony with Experience.
- 147. The Square Plane.
- 148. The Square Plane: Centre of Pressure.
- 149. Plausibility of the Sine2 Law.
- 150. The Sine Law Applicable in a Particular Case.
- 151. Planes in Apteroid Aspect (Experimental).
- 152. The Infinite Lamina in Pterygoid Aspect.
- 153. Planes in Pterygoid Aspect (Experimental).
- 154. Superposed Planes.
- 155. The Centre of Pressure as affected by Aspect.
- 156. Resolution of Forces.
- 157. The Coefficient of Skin Friction.
- 158. Edge Resistance in its Relation to Skin Friction.
- 159. Planes at Small Angles.
- 160. The Newtonian Theory Modified. The Hypothesis of Constant "Sweep."
- 161. Extension of Hypothesis.
- 162. The Ballasted Aeroplane.
The Economics of Flight.
- § 163. Energy Expended in Flight.
- 164. Minimum Energy. Two Propositions.
- 165. Examination of Hypothesis.
- 166. Velocity and Area both Variable.