- kiþe, 605.
- lengede, 872.
- let sende, 18.
- lettrus, 245.
- leueþ =. remains, 704.
- lie = flame, 555.
- 'Like to like', 1041.
- liten, 400.
- liue = leue, 579.
- lodlich, 592.
- lome, 439.
- Microcosm, 645.
- mischef, 893.
- ne = no, 834. .
- of kynde, 35.
- Oridrace, 3.
- oþir, 245.
- oxian, 533.
- Oxydracontæ, 3.
- Pison, 138.
- pres, 509.
- procre, 347, 366.
- Proper names, spelling of the, 3.
- reward, 907.
- romme riden, 1131.
- Salmoneus, 1064, 1068.
- schamlese, 20.
- scliine = shun, 416.
- seg, 27, 37L
- sende, 240.
- Seven Stars, 477.
- side, adj., 481.
- spild, 698.
- Spirits of the air, 698.
- spusbreche, 393.
- stronde, 151, 524.
- swangen, 492.
- syte = city, 9.
- there = where, 4.
- tid, 22.
- tid = tideþ 920.
- to, 28.
- trinen, 132.
- vnwasteþ, 236.
- wantede, 263 ; wantus, 85L
- what so, 359.
- wisli = certainly, 844.
- won, whon, 353, 957*
- wonde, 957.
- word, wordle, 25, 645, 698.
- wraeþe, 87.
- writen, 1136.
- wrouthe, 87 ; wrouhten, 1136.
- yhanteþ 988.