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Page:Alexander and Dindimus (Skeat 1878).djvu/105

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[The following Index, though not quite a full concordance, is very nearly so. Though I may not have cited every word, I have not wittingly omitted any. For very common words, such as in, is, I have only supplied about a couple of references. In the case of more unusual words, I have inserted many references, but by no means all.

The following symbols are used in a special sense; viz. v. = infin. mood of a verb; pr. s. = third person sing, of present tense; pr. pl. = third person plu. of present tense; pt. s. = third person sing, of past tense; pt. pl. = third person plu. of past tense. In the case of other persons, the number 1 or 2 is added. Other symbols are the usual ones.

References to "Alex. A." are to the Alexander, fragment A, in my edition of William of Palerne.]

  • A, emphatic, one, 324, 706; unemphatic, a, 45, &c.
  • A, art. a, 45, 105, 127, 131, &c.
  • Abide, to abide, 982 ; to endure, 1061.
  • A-boue, prep. above, 116; Abouen, 1000.
  • Aboute, adv. around, 54, 122, 440; round about, 843.
  • Abowe, ger. to bow down to (yourselves), 577; 2 p. pl. pr. Abowen, ye bow down to, ye worship, 675. It is not followed by to; hence to may be omitted in Alex. A. 1167. Sometimes, however, to occurs after it; see abuȝn in Stratmann, p. 2. A.S. ábúgan (Grein).
  • Acorde, ger. to agree, 910; acorde of, to agree in, 875; Acordeþ, pr. s. is like, 482; Acordeþ to, agrees with, 903. O. F. acorder.
  • Aday, adv. by day, 425.
  • Addre, s. adder, 799; pl. Addrus, adders, 157.
  • Adoutede, redoubted, dreaded, 970; Adouted, 1130.
  • Afore, before, 405.
  • Aftur, after, 778, 781; afterwards, 167, 170, 1109; according to, 652, 773; Aftyr, after, 155.
  • Again, adv. in return, 817; again, 77; Agayn, prep, against, 347. See Agyn.
  • Age, s. age, 331, 931, 936, 939.
  • Agrisen, pp. terrified, afraid, 50. Cf. A.S. ágrisan, to dread (Bosworth).
  • Agyn, again, 246. See Again.
  • Ai-lastinge, everlasting, 70.
  • Air, air, 699.
  • Al, all, 153; pl. Alle, 37, 701.
  • Alaid, laid down, put down, quenched, 888. A.S. álecgan, to lay down.
  • Aldur-fadur, ancestor, 1050.
  • Alegge, v. to allege, 220.
  • Aliue, alive, 557.
  • Almus-dede, alms-deed, 870.
  • Alofte, on the top of, high amongst, 134; aloft, 503.
  • Alone, alone, 169, 641.
  • A-lose, v. to praise, 814; pt. 8. Alosed, boasted (himself), 1066; pp. Alosed, renowned, 250, 554, 822, 1078, 1112; praised (as), renowned (as), 665, 694. O. F. aloser, to praise; from los, praise, Lat. laus.
  • Alowe, v. to approve of, 508; pres. s. Aloweþ, approves of, 212; 1 p. s.