- Bonus, pl. bones, 594.
- Boot, boat, 16S ; Bot, 183.
- Bor, s. boar, 713, 736.
- Bore, pp. born, 808.
- Borewen, v. to bail, give security for a person, release on security, 637.
- Borou, borough, town, 934.
- Bost, boast, pride, 637, 1068.
- Bostful, boastful, 1017.
- Bote, s. advantage, profit, 962; remedy, 1036. A.S. bót.
- Bote, but, except, 434.
- Bourde, dat. jest, 469.
- Bow, s. bough, 127, 135; pl. Bowus, 116, 351.
- Braunchus, branches, 124, 134, 503, 729.
- Bredde, pp. bred, by birth, 287; Bred, 175, 586.
- Breke, ger. to break; breke spouce, to break espousals, to commit adultery, 393. See Spousebreche.
- Brem, adv. loud, 503; pl. Breme, furious, 923. A.S. breme, renowned.
- Brem, adv. mightily, furiously, 521.
- Bremliche, adv. briskly (but merely an expletive), 134, 586. See above.
- Brenne, v. to burn, 235; pt. s. Brente, burnt, 555; pres. pt.
- Brenninge, 683. A.S. brinnan.
- Breste, dat. breast, 665.
- Breþeren, brethren, 430; Brejrorne, 287.
- Brid, s. a bird, 134; pl. Briddus, 302, 956; gen. pl. Briddene, of birds, 503.
- Brigge, dat.; must be an error for briche, i. e. breach, violation of the marriage-vow, adultery, 393. See
bruche in Stratmann, p. 78; and cf. A.S. bryce, a breach, violation. And see note to 1. 393.
- Briht, bright, 923; Bryht, 521, 683, 926.
- Bringe, v. to bring, 393; pl. Bringen, bring, 714; 2 p. s. Bringest, 521; 3 p. Bringeþ, brings, 372 ; v. Bringe forþ, to produce, 307.
- Brod, s. brood, 302 ; kindred, 430.
- Brode, broad, 968.
- Brand, brand, 683.
- Brouht, pp. brought, 430, 1075.
- Broun, brown, dusky, 923.
- Bryht, bright, 521, 683, 926.
- Bryngen, ye bring, 719; pr. pl. Brynge, 632. See Bringe.
- Bulde, ger. to build, 437, 1044; v. Bulden, 1134 ; 2 p. pl. pr. Bulde, ye build, 848.
- Burde, s. bride, woman, 418; pl. Burdus, 893.
- Buren, 2 p. pl. pr. ye bury, 593; pp. Bured, 775.
- Burn, s. man, 103, 135, 175, 426, 574, 582; burn ojror burde = man or woman, 418; pl. Burnus, 147, 713.
- Busiliche, adv. busily, 239.
- Buskede, pt. s. got ready, endeavoured, 135. IceL búa-sk, to prepare oneself.
- Busy, busy, 426.
- But, unless, 366; except, 10, 456; Butȝif, unless, 549, 571.
- By, as regards, 795; by means of, 56.
- Bydewen, pr. pl. bedew, 425.
- Bygan, began, 972.
- Bygat, pt. s. begat, 825, 1083.
- Byhouus, pr. s. it behoves, 866.
- By-kenneþ,/w. s. commends to, makes known to, 1084.
- By-lad, pp. led astray, 906.
- By-leue, belief, 1113.
- By-secheþ, pr. s. beseeches, 811.
- Byset, pp. beset, encompassed, 1088.
- Bytauhte, pp. made over to, given over to, 1069.
- By-wepe, ger. to lament over, 1114; 1 p. pr. pl. that we may lament over, 1057; pr. s. Bywepeþ, laments for, 1059. See Be-wepe.
- Cache, ger. to catch, 800.
- Caire, care, i.e. anxiety, eagerness, 29. See Care.