- Caire, pr. pl. go, 59. See cairen in Stratmann, p. 85.
- Calf, calf, 612.
- Callede, pt. s. called, 141; pt. pl. called, 527; pp. Called, 11, 138, 173, 356, 526, 799, 1004; 1 p. pl. pr. Callen, we call, 308.
- Can, pr. s. knows, 932.
- Care, anxiety, trouble, 1102; misery, 679; Caire, eagerness, 29.
- Carefule, pl. full of care, i. e. miserable, wretched, vain, 651; Careful, causing care, terrible, 158.
- Carien, v. to carry, 184; ye carry, 725.
- Carpe, ger. to talk,-179, 230; Carpen, 166, 455. Cf. Gl. to Alex. A.
- Cas, case; in cas, perhaps, 228.
- Casteþ, pr. s. casts, 483; pl. Casten, 767; pt. s. Caste, 480.
- Castelus, gen. pl. of chattels, of goods, 370
- Cauys, s. pl. caves, 7; Cauus, 38, 52, 59, 434; people of the caves, 13.
- Chalis, chalice, cup, 727.
- Chariteuus, charitable, or rather meritorious, 894.
- Chase, 1 p. s. pr. endeavour, lit. chase, pursue, 110.
- Chaste, adj. 892.
- Chaste, v. to chasten, 379.
- Chaunce, chance, opportunity, 1001; fortune, 110; destiny, 1080.
- Chaungeþ, pr. s. changes, 922; Chaunce, ye change, 569; pr. pl. Chaunge, 96; pt. pl. subj. Chaungede, should change, were to change, 417.
- Chef, adj. chief, 107, 1080.
- Cherched, pp. churched, i. e. brought to church to be baptised, 941.
- Chere, s. cheer, face, look, cheerfulness, 83, 411, 727.
- Chese, v. to choose, 941, 1001; pt. s. Ches, chose, 107; ger. Chese, to choose, 417.
- Chene, ger. to achieve, to succeed,
- Children, 53, 417.
- Chois, choice, 894; pl. Choisus, 997:
- Chois, adj. choice, precious, 727,
- Chose, pp. chosen to be, 1080.
- Claime, v. to claim, 1003; ger. Claimen, 899; ye claim, 1013. See Clameþ.
- Clameþ, pr. s. claims, 625.
- Clanly, adv. cleanly, 833; purely, 629; Clanliche, cleanly, 288.
- Clene, adj. clean, pure, true, 1003; clean, 496; pure, 623, 899.
- Clene, adv. clean, entirely, 1099.
- Clene-mindede, pl. pure in mind, 626.
- Clennesse, cleanness, 625.
- Clepeþ, pr. s. calls, 625; pp. Cleped; 636, 1003.
- Clere, clear, 489.
- Clergie, learning, 899
- Cleuen, ye cleave; cleuen in, cleave to, 636.
- Closeþ, pr. s. closes, encloses, 489.
- Cloþ, cloth, 402.
- Cloþus, s. pl. clothes, 1013.
- Cloudus, clouds, 118.
- Cocodrillus, crocodiles, 158. See the note.
- Cof, adv. quickly, soon, 42, 247. A.S. caf, prompt; Grein.
- Cofli, adv. quickly, 48, 125; Cofliche, 64; Cofly, 1037, 1076.
- Cold, s. cold, 331.
- Colour, colour, 482.
- Comaundede, pl. s. commanded, 125.
- Come, v. to come; come schal, is to come, 363; ger. Come, 166; Come; ye come, 1012; pr. s. Comeþ, comes, 331, 436, 1102; it befals, 833; no comeþ, comes not, 905; 2 p. s. pr. subj. Come, mayst come, 29; pt. pl. Come, came, 818; pp. Come, 247.
- Comeliche, comely, 730.
- Comelokur, comelier, 407, 414.
- Comine, common, 715; comine peple, people in general, the world at large, 875.
- Cominnge, s. coming, due course, 325. (Reading uncertain.)