- Ende, end, 75.
- Endelese, endless, immortal, 669.
- Endite, v.; let endite, caused to be written, 181; pr. s. Enditeþ, endites, indites, 810, 826; pt. s. Endited, wrote, dictated, 1133.
- Enditinge, enditing, 243.
- Endure, v. 269.
- Endus, pr. s. ends, 1111; Endeþ, 1129; pt.s. Endid, perished, 1065; pp. Ended, put an end to, 1062.
- Enemis, enemies, 338, 343.
- Enforceþ, pr. s. forces, 688.
- Engendreþ, engenders, produces, 587; pp. Engendred, 656.
- Englaymed, pp. glued fast, held as by birdlime or a viscous substance, stuck fast, 676. "Gleymyn or yngleymyn, visco, invisco. Gleymows, viscosus, glutinosus;” Prompt. Parv. p. 198, q. v.
- Enoine, ger. to anoint, 410.
- Enquere, v. to enquire, 148.
- Ensample, example, 233, 552, 566.
- Enuie, envy, 283, 373; Enuye, 842, 993, 1008.
- Ere, s. ear, 948; pl. Erene, 812. A.S. eáre, pl. eáran.
- Eren, 2 p. pl. pr. ye plough, 201. See Erie.
- Erie, ye plough, 847; Erien, 850; 1 p. pl. pr. subj. Erie, we may plough, 293. A.S. erian, Goth. arjan, cognate with Lat. arare.
- Eritage, heritage, 981.
- Erne, v. to earn, 201.
- Erren, ye err, 1053.
- Errours, pl. errors, 744.
- Erþe, dat. earth, 57, 70, 86, 106; nom. 981.
- Erþliche, earthly, 440, 1053; Erþeliche, 360; Erthely, 849.
- Ese, ease, 360, 539, 757.
- Et, for Eteþ, pr. s. he eats, 862. See below.
- Ete, ger. to eat, 757; 1 p. pl. pr. Eten, we eat, 360; 2 p. ye eat, 539. See above.
- Euene, adv. exactly, or wholly, 1139.
- Euere, for ever, 364.
- Eueri, each one (severally), 106, 736; Euerich, 751; Euerych a, every, 86; Euery, 101.
- Euyl, adv. ill, evilly, 1065.
- Euyre, ever, at any time, 387.
- Exkused, pp. excused, 277, 851.
- Fablus, fables, 1070.
- Face, 408, 410.
- Faileþ, fails, 509; Failus, ends, 746; pt. s. Failede, lacked, 266.
- Fain, adj. fain, anxious, willing, 237.
- Fain, adv. gladly, 806.
- Fair, fair, 113, 716; Faire, 45; pl. Faire, 495.
- Faire, adv. fairly, 572.
- Fairere, fairer, 405.
- Faiþ, faith, 966; belief, 1113.
- Faiþful, true, 65; faithful, 908.
- Falce, false, 396, 550, 638, 643, 1046, 1113; Fals, 397.
- Fale, adj. many, 317, 528, 633; al so fale, just so many, 643, 648. A.S, fela, much.
- Falleþ, pr. s. impers. it falls (to him), it is (his) duty, 648; Fallus, befals, 323, 326; it suits, 753.
- Fare, v. to go, 330; to act, go on, 266; to travel, 28, 45, 162; to act, 397; 2 p. s. pr. Farest, goest, comest, 79; pr. s. Farus, goes, comes, 113; it fares, 237; Fareþ, fares, happens, 795; 1 p. pl. Faren, we go, 332, 1024; 2 p. ye fare, go; ȝe wiþ faren = ye fare with, i.é. possess, 242; pr. pl. Fare, go, 376; Faren, go, 341; Fare wiþ, go with, use, 618; Faren, fare, 116; Fare, pp. travelled, 1137; one, advanced. 939; fare wiþ, to give upon, 202. And see Ferde.
- Fare, s. fare, food, 868, 878; condition, 48, 150, 214; welfare, 986; doings, 1096.
- Fast, s. fast, fasting, 538.
- Faste, adv. quickly, 51.
- Faute, fault, 303.
- Fauure, ye favour, 740.