- Feche, ger. to fetch, 125.
- Feden, ger. to feed, 861; Fede, 805; Fed, to eat, 303; pr. s. Fed dep, feeds, 955, 1021; pp. Fed, 497.
- Fel, pt. s. fell, 130.
- Fel, cruel, 664.
- Feld, field, 105, 113, 295; pl. Feldus, 494. AS. feld.
- Fele, 1 p. pr. pl. we feel, 333.
- Fendus, pp. fiends, 649, 705, 1069.
- Fenked, pp. vanquished, 339. See Alex. A.111. From F. vaincre, to conquer.
- Fer, adj. far, 939; adv. farther, 162.
- Ferde, pt. s. subj. would fare, i.e. would seem, 105; pt. pl. went, 54, 163; pt. s. Ferde, 55; happened, 137. See Fare.
- Fere, fear, 346.
- Ferke, pr. pl. 1 p. we hasten, 300. See ferkien in Stratmann, and ferke in Gl. to Alex. A.
- Ferþe, adv. forth, on, 93.
- Fet, feet, 1027.
- Figure, 600.
- Fihche, ger. to fish, 204.
- Fihs, fish, 491; Fihes, 298; Fihch, 955; Fihches, fishes, 492.
- Filtere, fighter, warrior, 664.
- Fihtinge, pres. pl. fighting, 79; 2 p. s. pr. Fihtest, fightest, 341.
- Fillen, pr. pl. fill, 317, 795; 2 p. ye fill, 538.
- Fin, adj. fine, grand, 591, 600, 1015.
- Finden, v. to find, 1070; ger. Finde, 204; pr. s. Findeþ, supplies, 358 1 p. pl. Finde, we 303; Finden, 962; we procure what we want), 375; 2 p. Finde, ye find, 865; pr. s. subj. may find, 232; 1 p. I may find, 211.
- Fingrus, s. pt. fingers, 332, 1015.
- Finnede, pp. finned, furnished with fins, 298.
- Fir, s. fire, 136, 753, 1069; Fur, 682.
- Fir-hil, fire-hill, hill of fire; it should rather be fir-helle, i.e. hell of fire, 1069.
- Fiȝhte, ger. to fight, 29, 37.
- Fle, ger. to flee, 334.
- Flech, flesh, 339, 688, 861.
- Flechliche, fleshly, 334.
- Fledde, 1 p. s. pt. subj. were to flee from, 89.
- Fletinge, pr. part. swimming, 491. A.S. fleótan, to float, swim; see fleoten in Stratmann, p. 173.
- Flod, s. flood, al, 1023; and rubric to l. 187; 138, 146.
- Flourus, pl. flowers, 495, 730.
- Fode, food, 202, 298, 352, 354, 450, 860.
- Fol, s. fool, 266; pl. Folus, 627, 1113.
- Folewe, v. to follow, 232, 874; pr. s. Foleweþ, follows, remains with, 376; Folweþ, follows, 155; pl. Folewen, follow, 528.
- Folie, folly, 591, 686, 880, 966; pl. Folies, 633 ; Foliuus, 806.
- Folie, adj. foolish, 682.
- Folk, folk, people, 37, 111, 146.
- Folliche, foolish, 603, 740.
- Fom, foam, 204, 491.
- Fon, s. pl. foes, 339, 342, 346, 397.
- Fonde, n. to endeavour, 214, 301, 401, 567; to endeavour to fulfil, 528 : Fonden, to endeavour, 874; pr. s. : Fondes, attempts, endeavours, 112; ger. Fonden, to endeavour to fulfil, 457; 2 p. pl. pr. Foude, try, try to achieve, 538; Fonden, ye endeavour, 643; ye seek after, 7 87, 871; 2 p. s. pr. subj. Fonde, mayst attempt, 37; pr s. subj. fonde he fewe othur fale, whether he may seek after (i. e. obtain) few or many, 801. A.S. fandian, to seek
after, prove, try, enquire into. See Founde.
- Fonge, v. to receive, 1123; to receive, take, learn; soþ fonge, learn the truth, 552. A.S. fon, for fangan.
- For, prep. on account of, 159, 163; for wise, as wise, 218.
- For, conj. because, inasmuch as, 65, 221, 380, 654, 660, 664, 667, 669, 1099; in order that, 605; for, 31, &c.
- Fordon, pp. ended, put an end to, 118.