- Gle, s. glee, mirth, 789.
- Glose, v. to flatter, 391.
- Glose, flattery, 1016.
- Glotenye, gluttony, 676.
- Glotounius, gluttonous, 790.
- God, adj. good, 561, 668, 690; pl. Gode, 274. See Goode.
- God, s. property, 638; pl. Godus, goods, 604, 804, 987. See Good.
- God, God, 36, 107; dat. to Gode, with God, before God, 476; pl. Godus, gods, 396, 550, 638; Goodus, 95; Godous, 772; gen. sing. Godus, God's, 315, 1004.
- Godesse, goddess, 561; Goodesse, 690, 695.
- Gol, gold, 575; Gold, 389, 1015, 1021.
- Gold, adj. golden, 535; or read gold-ore, a compound sb.
- Gome, s. man, 30, 83, 94, 101, 246, 550; pl. Gomus, 11, 522, 661, 796, 996.
- Gon, v. to go; sendeþ him gon, sends (a letter) to go to him, 197. [The reading ioie, i. e. joy, would be far better; cf. 1. 254.) See below.
- Gon, pr. pl. go, walk about, 772, 883; 2 p. ye go, 1013.
- Good, s. good, 30, 229; dat. Goode, righteousness, 989. See God, s.
- Goode, adj. pl. good, 23. See God.
- Goodesse, goddess, 690, 695. See God.
- Goodis, goods, property, 305; Goodus, 1103; see God.
- Goodly, righteously, in a right: spirit, 1059; well, 972; Goodliche excellently, 246.
- Goodus, for Goddus, i.e. gods, 95; see God.
- Gostliche, spiritual, 772.
- Goþ, pr. s. goes, walks, 101.
- Gouernance, conduct, 568 (rubric).
- Grace, grace, 84, 254; divine assistance, 673; ȝour grace, favour shewn to you, 606
- Graciouce, gracious, favourable, propitious, 193; Graciose, 1082; Graciouse, 824; Graciouce, pleasing, 954.
- Graie, gray, 1138.
- Graipus, pr. s. prepares, makes ready, sends, 977. See Grayþe.
- Grante (miswritien grane), to grant, 383, See Graunte.
- Graspen, v. to grasp, snatch at (used with on), 502
- Graue, s. grave, 447; pl. Grauus, 590.
- Graue, pp. graven, 1138; dug, 7.
- Grauel, gravel, 525.
- Graunt, s. grant, 87.
- Graunte, v. to grant, 602; ger. 764; 1 p. pr. s. Graunte, I grant, 68; pr. pl. 709; pp. Graunted, 73.
- Grauntinge, s. a granting, 254.
- Grauus, pl. graves, 590. See Graue.
- Grayþe, 2 p. pl. pr. ye prepare, 590; pp. Grayped, prepared, made ready, 447, Ieel. greiþa, to prepare.
- Greden, 2 p. pl. pr. ye cry aloud for, implore, 606; ye pray, 764. A.S. grǽdan, to exclaim.
- Gref, grief, harm, 50.
- Grene, pl. green, 124.
- Grene, s. green, i.e. green things,
- Gret, great, 452, 713; pl. Grete, 7 ; great men, 1012; sing. 124 (or perhaps adv., i.e. greatly).
- Grete, ger. to greet, 195; 1 p. pr. pl. we greet, worship, 274.
- Gretinge, greeting, 977; and see below.
- Gretiþinge, greeting, 254. [Perhaps miswritten for Gretinge, q. Vv. ]
- Grettest, greatest, 252, 976.
- Greue, v. to grieve, 228; Greuen, 229; pr. pl. Greuen, grieve, 709, 770.
- Grime, grim, 1138.
- Grimmest, most fierce, 87, 252.
- Griþ, s. protection, safety; of griþ, for their protection, 764 See Alex. A., ish.
- Ground, dat. ground, 7,10; Gronde, 119; Grounde, 447.
- Groweþ, pr. s. grows, 931; Growus, 954; pt. s. Grouuede, grew, 124