- Forgiuen, v. to forgive, 386.
- For leten, v. to leave entirely, forsake, 329.
- Forsaide, aforesaid, 19; Fore-saide, foresaid, 113.
- Forsaken, 1 p. pl. pr. we forgo, 377.
- Forþ, forth, 1074; forward, 138; on, 939; forþ bringe, bring forth, 307.
- Forþen, v. to carry out, fulfil, 570. Cf. mod. E. to further.
- For-þi, for that reason, therefore, 110, 147, 206, 313, 558, 1068; Forþy, 910. Written forþei, 313, 558.
- Forwes, s. pl. furrows, 294.
- Foule, adv. foully, ill, 1065.
- Foulen, ye defile, 633.
- Founde, ger. to attempt, 392, 913; v. to experience, follow after, 392; 1 p. pl. pr. Founden, we endeavour, 334; 2 p. Founde, ye endeavour, 901, 1046; Founden, ye endeavour, 708; 2 p.s. pr. subj. Founde, mayst endeavour, 337; pt. s. Foundede, followed after, sought after, 682. See Fonde.
- Founde, pp. found, 32, 152, 315, 1116; found to be, 1023.
- Foundur, founder, 664.
- Foure, four, 794.
- Four-fotede, fourfooted, 300.
- Fourme, 1 p. pl. pr. we form, fashion, 600.
- Fram, from, 215; see Fro.
- Fre, liberal, 953.
- Freke, man, 1004; pl. Frekus, men, 120, 126, 958, 1117. A.S. free, bold; freca, a hero.
- Freliche, adj, excellent (lit. free-like), 126. (Perhaps an error for ferliche, i. e. wonderful.)
- Frely, adv. freely, indubitably, 1004,
- Frend, friend, 1004.
- Friþ, s. frith, wood, forest of trees; 120. See Gl. to Alex. A.
- Fro, prep. from, 52, 113, 480; From, 53; Fram, 215.
- Frut, fruit, 116, 120, 126, 352, 953, 1117; pl. Fratus, 114
- Ful, full, 105.
- Ful, adv. very, 2, 5, 113, 721.
- Fulfille, ger. to fulfil, 563.
- Fullen, ye fill, 1015.
- Fulsome, adj. filled with food, satisfied, 497.
- Fundeþ, pr. s. finds, 861.
- Fur, fire, 682; see Fir.
- Galful, adj. eloquent, 668; blissful, 389. The context in 1. 668 requires the sense ‘eloquent’; in l. 389 it is a mere expletive. See the note to l. 668.
- Game, game, amusement, 470; pl. Gamus, games, 935.
- Gan, aux. did, 121, 129.
- Gay, gay, 883, 1028.
- Gaynsaie, 1 p. pr. pl. we gainsay, speak against, 396; 3 p. Gaynsain,
- Gaynus, pr. s. it profits, 1028. See Gayne in Gl. to Wm. of Palerne.
- Geduren, ye gather, 575.
- Gentil, gentle, 23.
- Ger, s. gear, equipment, 522.
- Gete, ger. to obtain, get, 305; 1 p. I get, acquire, 84; 2 p. Getist, gettest, 30; 2 p. pl. Geten, ye get, 796.
- Gien, ger. to guide, govern, 561; Gie, 992; pr s. Gieþ, controls, 661, 670.
- Gile, v. to beguile, cheat, 464.
- Gile, guile, 748, 758.
- Gilt, s. guilt, 386, 994, 1059.
- Gilte, 1 p. pl. pr. we offend, 384; 2 p. ye sin, 550.
- Gin, s. contrivance, 656.
- Giour, s. guider, ruler, 703. See Gien.
- Gise, guise, 883.
- Giue, we give, devote, 305, 994; 2 p. ye give, 638; Giuen no of, ye care not for, 841; imp. pl. Giuus, give ye, 972.
- Glad, 391.
- Glade, v. to be glad, to rejoice, 472, 1110,