- Minegeþ, pr. s. makes mention of, recounts, 573; states, 614. See munegen in Stratmann, p. 356.
- Minnge, v. to make mention, recount, 514. See above.
- Minstralus, gen. pl. of minstrels, 702.
- Mirie, merry, 927.
- Mirthe, mirth, 464, 465, 726; pl. Mirþus, games, pleasures, 945, 1099.
- Mischef, misfortune, 372; hardship, affliction, 1030; want, lack, 859; hard fare, 889, 893; evil fate, 1101, 1115, 1120.
- Misdeede, misdeed, 394.
- Mis-do, v. to act amiss, do wrong, 464.
- Missed, pp. missed, lost, 1099.
- Mithtelese, adj. might-less, i. e. weak, 712.
- Miȝht, s. might, 214; for mi miȝht, to the best of my power; Miȝhte, 85.
- Miȝhte, pt. s. might, could, 104; pl. 56; 2 p. Miȝt, mightest, 31.
- Miȝzhteles, mightless, unable, 74.
- Mo, more, other, 90; more in number, besides, 732, 897. A.S. má.
- Mod, mood, 927.
- Modur, mother, 307, 586.
- Molde, mould, i.e. the earth, 101, 546, 791, 839, 900, 1099; the world, 617; mould, part, 739.
- Mor, more (in quantity), 742; greater, 94, 704.
- More, adv. more, 210; longer, 322; the mor, the more, 1040.
- Most, adj. greatest, 109; adv. most, 666, 1108.
- Mosten, 1 p. pl. pt. subj. should have to, 385. See below.
- Mote, ye must, 859, 895. A.S. mótan, to be obliged; pt. t. móste.
- Mourne, ger. to mourn, 928.
- Mourninge, pres. pt. mourning, mournful, 1115,
- Mourninge, s. mourning, 472.
- Mouþ, mouth, 951; Moufe, 977.
- Mowe, pr. pl. 1 p. we may, 290, 1024; we must, 100, 323; 2 p. ye may, can, 1090, 1092; Mow, 854; Mow, ye must, 858, 864; 3 p. Mowe, can, 478, 619, 761.
- My, my, 67, &c.
- Mylk, milk, 353.
- Myrthe, mirth, 1011.
- Nacion, nation, 149.
- Nai, nay, 73.
- Nakid, naked, 12; Naked, 34.
- Name, name, 12, 149, 1048; to name = for a name, 139; pl. Names, 652.
- Name-kouþ, known by name, renowned, famous, 823, 1079; Namkouþe, 979.
- Namned, pp. named, 531. A.S. nemnan, to name.
- Ne, not, 9, 76, 201, 384.
- Ne, for No, no, 834.
- Nede, s. need, 62, 614; necessity, want, 318, 857, 1036; trouble, 1094; at nede, in our need, 309.
- Nede, adv. of necessity, 859.
- Nedeþ, impers. it is necessary, 357.
- Nedful, needy, poor, 879, 964; necessary, 292.
- Nedfully, of necessity, 849.
- Nedli, adv. by force of necessity, compulsorily, 149.
- Nebþeles, nevertheless, 267.
- Nettus, nets, 297.
- Neuere, never, 39, 192.
- Newe, new, 22; new (messages), 1074.
- Nie, nigh, near; kinus nie, near of kin, 986.
- Nien, we annoy, vex, 995. See Nye.
- Niht-brid night-bird, nocturnal bird, 723.
- Nime, v. to take, 292; pr. pl. Nime, take, 318. A.S. niman.
- Nis, it is not, 894; is not, 379.
- Nisetè, folly, 879.
- No, no, none, 9; Non, 46. No, nor, 120, 235, 281, 403; not, 868; no no = nor no, 1. e. not any, 94.