- Noble, noble one, 73; noble, 531, 823, 1066.
- Noblete, nobility, 192.
- Noht, not, 384.
- Nolle, 1 p. pl. pr. we will not, we desire not, 344; Nol, 347; 2 p. ye will not, 1056.
- Non, s. no, 46; pl. None, none, 340.
- Nor, nor, 9, &c.
- Norscheþ, pr. s. nourishes, 309;
- Norcheþ, produces, 769.
- Note, s. use, utility, usefulness, 849. See Stratmann, p. 368.
- Noþir, neither, 612; Noþur, nor, 612.
- Nouht, nothing, 34, 998.
- Nouht, not, 78, 151, 803, 1060; Noukt, 991; Nouht but, only, 625.
- Nouþe, adv. now, 71, 239, 583, 1007, 1068; Nowpe, 651.
- Nouþeles, nevertheless, 816.
- Now, 12, 1094.
- Noy, annoyance, grief, 1094. See below.
- Nye, v. annoy, injure, 340. O.F. nuire, Lat. nocere.
- O, one, 97.
- Of, prep. of (on the), 5, &c.; by, 74, 118; from, 119; some of, 126; concerning, 66, 780, 1056; out of, beyond, 1090; acorde of = agree in, 875; lauze of = to laugh at, 4703 like of = be pleased with, 868.
- Offren, v. to offer, 720; pr. pl. Ofren, 712.
- Offrin, offering, 718; pl. Offringus, 711.
- Ofset, pp. beset, 987.
- Ofte, adv. often, 199, 452, 709, 711.
- Olde, pl. old, 798.
- On, prep. on, 7, &c.; in, 57, 548, 683, 721, 749; in the case of, 1064.
- On, one, 794; þat on, the one, 526. See One.
- On-cauȝt, pp. uncaught, 38.
- One, dat. adj. alone, by itself, 548; alone, only, 698.
- Onliche, only, 745.
- Onurable, honourable, 194, 1083; Onorable, 825.
- Onus, once; at onus, at once, 735.
- Ony, any, 296, 320.
- Or, ere, before, 40, 85, 468, 692, 1135.
- Or...or, either..or, whether.. or, 359.
- Ordre, order, rule, 327, 720.
- Ore, s. ore, 525.
- Ost, host, army, 3, 15, 533,
- Oþirwise, otherwise, 419.
- Oþur, other, 54, 107; an oþur, another, 103; pl. Oþure, other, 157.
- Oþur, or, 310, 360.
- Oule, owl, 723.
- Our, our, 176; Oure, 38, &c.
- Out-taken, except, 153.
- Ouur, prep. over, 108, 151, 533.
- Ouyrcomen, ger. to overcome, 338; Ourcomen, we overcome, 345; Ouurcome}, he overcomes, 583.
- Owen, pr. pl. possess, 440.
- Owne, own, 745, 880.
- Oxe, ox, 612; pl. Oxen, 296.
- Oxian, s. the ocean, 533. [Here is meant the great river Oceanus, running round the world.]
- Pacen, pr. pl. pass, pace, walk, go about, 741.
- Paie, (1) ger. to pay (tribute), 710; pr. pl. pay, 716; (2) pr. s. Paieþ, pleases, 374.
- Paine, pain, punishment, torment, 390, 395, 537, 553; penalty, 809; pl. Painus, torments, 753.
- Painede, pp. inured to hardships, 268.
- Paradis, Paradise, 140.
- Parte, ger. to share, 104; v. to part, 395; pt. s. Partyd, departed, rubric to l. 1; 2 p. pl. pr. ye depart, 807; Parten, 1107; pp. Parted, distributed, 705.
- Passe, v. to pass, go away, depart, 1135; 1 p. pl. pr. subj. Passe, may pass, go, 314; pr. s. Passeth, passes, flows, 140.