- Pay, pleasure, 315.
- Pelyr, pillar, 1139 (rubric).
- Penance, punishment, 807; penance, 291.
- Peple, people, 4, 108, 815; assembly, 1127.
- Perichen, pr. pl. perish, 452.
- Peril, 452.
- Perles, peerless, 915; Perlese, 140.
- Pes, peace, 377.
- Philozofrus, s. pl. philosophers, 457, 1070.
- Picht, pt. s. put, placed, 1139 (rubric).
- Pilegrimus, pilgrims, 983.
- Piler, pillar, 1135. See Pelyr.
- Pinchen, v. to pinch, torment, 751; pr. s. Pinncheþ, torments, 1107.
- Place, place, land, 97, 130, 296, 847, 853; pl. Placus, 495.
- Plain, adj. plain, flat, open, 495.
- Plaunten, v. to plant, 853; Plaunte, ye plant, 847.
- Plentè, plenty, 495, 1025.
- Plokke, ger. to pluck, draw; to plokke, to draw (the plough), 296.
- Plow, plough, 296, 847, 853.
- Point, dat. point, state, 315.
- Pokok, peacock, 716.
- Pore, poor, 104, 527, 890, 983.
- Poudur, s. powder, 1063.
- Pouert, poverty, 374; Pouerte, 291.
- Power, 705.
- Praie, s. prey, 204.
- Praien, 1 p. pl. pr. we pray, beg, 225; Prayen, 319.
- Praiere, prayer, 766.
- Praisen, ye praise, 560.
- Preche, ger. to preach, 280; pp. Preched, 366.
- Prented, pp. impressed, 256.
- Pres, press, host, army, 161, 509.
- Presoun, prison, 1098.
- Prest, adj. ready, 1075.
- Prest, adv. readily, soon, 161, 766.
- Prestly, quickly, 225.
- Preuey, adj. privy, 696.
- Pride, 637.
- Prince, 225, 509, 968; Prinse, 811; pl. Princis, 251; Princes, 975.
- Pris, value, 716.
- Pris, adj. noble, 161.
- Procre, v. to procure, cause, 347; to insure, 1019; pp. Procred, turned, 366.
- Profit, 1019.
- Profite, v. to profit, 509; pr. s. Profiteþ, 280.
- Profre, ye proffer, offer, 766.
- Proud, 937; pl. Proude, 5, 11, 547.
- Prouede, no doubt an error for Proude, 547; see the word repeated in the same line. Or it may mean “approved.” Cf. 1. 5.
- Prouen, v. to prove, 937; pp. Proued, proved, known to be, approved, 5. See Prove.
- Prove, 1 p. s. pr. I prove, test, 560. See Prouen.
- Prow, s. profit, 366, O.F. prou, profit; Cotgrave.
- Pryde, pride, 1019.
- Prynce, prince, 16, 19, 111. See Prince.
- Prys, s. value, estcem, 590; prys holde of, esteem, 937; prys of hem helde, thought much of themselves, 5
- Pulle, ger. to pull, pluck, 128.
- Punched, pp. punished, 679, 747.
- Purchas, s. acquisition, 807.
- Purpre, s. purple colour, 482.
- Put, pp. put, placed, 705, 983.
- Quainte, adj. pl. knowing, wise, 17.
- Quaintise, s. daintiness, pleasurableness, 950. O.F. coint, quaint, dainty, trim.
- Quedfulle, adj. full of evil, 541. Cf. Du. kwaad, evil.
- Quelleþ, pr. s. kills, 611; 2 p. pl. Quellen, ye kill, 608, 1047. A.S. cwellan.
- Queme, ger. to please, 541, 608, 643, 1047; pr. s. Quemus, pleases, 177. A.S. cwéman.