- Werk, work, 208, 378, 886; pl. Werkus, 567.
- Werre, s. war, 282, 545, 664.
- Werrede, 1 p. pl. pt. warred we, 39.
- Wers, worse, 23], 783, 1106.
- Wetin, 1 p. pl. pr. we know, we wit,
- Wetinge, wetting, moisture, 1033.
- Wexe, v. to wax, grow, become, 938.
- Wham, dat. whom, 793; pl. 780, 1042.
- Whan, when, 1, 106; Whanne, 466, 1107.
- What, 31, 173; whatsoever, 68; What so, whatsoever, 359.
- Wherefore, on which account, 385, 394, 401, 404, 601.
- Wherewiþ, wherewith, 852.
- Whete, wheat, 692.
- Wheþur, whether, 765.
- Whi, s. man, 571. See Weiȝ.
- Whi, why, 79, 432, 834, 836.
- Whiche; þe whicke, which, 1127.
- While, a time, period, while, 336; whilst, 236; þe while, whilst, 562; in the mean while, 1132.
- Whit, white, 719.
- Whitli, for Wihtli, nimbly, quickly, 185.
- Whon, for Won, abundance, 353.
- Wide, wide, i. e. great, 216.
- Wide, adv. far and wide, 531.
- Wifis, wives, 53; Wiuus, 403. See Wiuns,
- Wihes, s. pl. men, 263. See Weiȝ.
- Wikke, adj. wicked, 537; difficult; wikke to staunche, hard to check, 938; pl. wicked (men), 1002.
- Wikkede, adj. wicked, 378, 1057.
- Wikkednesse, wickedness, 786.
- Wil, will, pleasure, 1, 96, 99, 427; Wile 736; Wille, 72, 170, 606, 707.
- Wilde, adj. wild, 4, 938.
- Wilfully, voluntarily, by choice, 604; intentionally, 1026.
- Wilne,.1 p. pl. pr. we desire, 289, 304, 350, 600; Wilnen, 461; 2 p. 898, 900: 3 p. Wilnen, desire, 587; imp. s. Wilne, desire, 516; pt. s. Wilnede, desired, 150; 2 p. s. pr. Wilnest, desirest, 257. A.S. silnian.
- Win, s. winning (see Lat. text), 350.
- Wind, wind, 92, 436, 487, 488; pl. Windus, 484.
- Wine, wine, 678.
- Winne, ger. to win, 80, 450, 804; conquer, 548; to get, acquire, 1038.
- Winus, pl. vines (Lat. vites), 847.
- Wirche, ger. to work, 688; Wirchen, 427; v. Wirche, to do, 754; Wirchen, 551; Wirke, 46; 2 p. pl. pr. *Wirchen, ye act, 907, 1104; Wirche, ye do, 832; ye work, 629; pl. Wirchen, work, do, perform, 717.
- Wis, wise, 231, 534; pl. Wise, wise men, 12, 224, 973, 1112.
- Wische, 1 p. pr. pl. wish, 69.
- Wisdam, wisdom, 102, 211.
- Wise, s. way, manner, 22, 45, 197, 680, 1085.
- Wisliche, wisely, 516; Wisli, 844; Wisly, 913.
- Wisse, ger. to instruct, 454; to inform, 762, A.S. wísian.
- Wiste, pt. s. knew, 14; pp. Wist, known, 4, 944.
- Wit, s. wisdom, intelligence, 96, 211, 534, 924; Witte, 23, 905; wit, 966; pl. Wittus, wits, 102, 266.
- Wite, for Whit, whit, 354 (or else knowledge, acquaintance with; but less likely).
- Witen, ger. to wit, know, 150; Wite, 1002; v. Witen, 208; Wite, 258; 1 p. pl. pr. Witen, we know, 473, 585; 2 p. ye-know, 860, 922. A.S. witan.
- Witeþ, pr. s. keeps, 698. See note, and Gloss, to Will. of Palerne.
- Wiþ, prep. with, 3; against, 37, 3415 along with, 342.
- Withdrawe, v. to refrain from, 895.
- Wiþinne, prep. within, 38, 338.
- Wiþoute, prep. without, 66, 240.