- Wiþoute, adv. outwardly, 340; prep. without, 6, &c.
- Witiere, discoverer, 678.
- Wittie, adj. wise, learned, 17, 1121.
- Wiuus, pl. wives, 882, 891. See Wifis.
- Wiȝzth, wight, man, 39. See Weith.
- Wo, torment, 746; woe, pain, 857, 1033, 1106.
- Wodus, pl. woods, 500.
- Wokus, s. pl. weeks, 153.
- Wolde, pt. s. would, 45.
- Wole, 2 p.s. pr. subj. thou will, 508; pr. pl. Wolen, will, i. e. wish, 1110; Wollen, we will, 1026.
- Wolf, 860, 864.
- Wombe, belly, 317, 690, 794, 797; pl. Wombis, 538.
- Wommen, women, 557; ger. Wommenus, women’s, 1016.
- Won, s. plenty, fulness, abundance, 72, 499, 557, 575, 678; joy (?), 678; riches, 891. wán in Stratmann, p. 548.
- Won, dwelling, 1103; custom, 957. The same word as Wone, q. v.
- Wonde, we turn aside from, forsake, 990; 2 p. ye shun, fear, 957; ye forsake, 886. A.S. wandian, to shun.
- Wondrus, pr. s. impers. it makes me wonder, 886.
- Wondrus, pl. wonders, 473, 670, 699.
- Wondurful, wonderful, 4, 844.
- Wone, s. custom, usage, 567, 1016; an accustomed offering, 736; pl. Wonus, customs, usages, 208, 844. A.S. ge-wuna.
- Woneþ, pr. s. dwells, 1060; 1 p. pl. Wone, we dwell, 980; 2 p. Wonen, ye dwell, 1103; pp. Woned, wont, 378, 551. A.S. wunian.
- Wonnynge, s. dwelling, abode, 8. See above.
- Wonye, ger. to live in, 848. See Woneþ.
- Worchen, v. to work, do, 99; 1 p. pl. pr. we work, do, 359; Worchin, 361; 2. p. Worchen, ye work, 680.
- Word, word, 615, 621; Worde, 698; pl. Wordus, 461, 609, 1077.
- Word, the world, 25, 80, 419, 473, 551, 557, 746, 832, 857; Worde, 430, 548, 779, 877. See World.
- Wordle, world, 645. See World.
- Wordliche, worldly, 32, 58, 72, 102, 354, 604, 804, 837, $13, 934, 1016; human, 891. See Word.
- Wordliche, adv. in a worldly manner, 427.
- World, 261; Worlde, 105, 359; also Word, Wordle, q. v.
- Wormus, s. pl. serpents, 152, 157.
- Worschipe, worship, 17, 25, 680, 717.
- Worschipen, pr. pl. worship, 722; 2 p. ye worship, 604.
- Worschipful, honourable, fine, 403.
- Worþ, worth, 261.
- Worþe, ger. to become, 87, 933; v. become, 265; 1 p. pl. pr. Worþen, we become, 446; 2 p. Worþeþ, ye become, are, 634. A.S. weorþan.
- Worþi, worthy, 25, 746.
- Worþliche, worthy, 615, 621.
- Wost, 2 p. s. pr. knowest, 516.
- Woxe, v. to wax, grow, 115; pp. Woxe, grown, 547; Woxen, 943.
- Wrabe, v. to make angry, 994; 1 p. s. pl. subj. Wraþede, I should make angry, 88.
- Wraþful, wrathful, 660.
- Wraþþe, wrath, 662.
- Wreche, vengeance, 772, 777. A.S. wracu.
- Wrecheli, adv. wretchedly, very ill, 88.
- Wreten, pr. pl. write, 24.
- Wried, pp. turned aside, perverted, given to evil, 660. A.S. wrigan, to turn awry. See wrien in Stratmann.
- Wriht, s. writ, 139. See Writ.
- Writ, writ, 814; Wrytte, an inscription, 1136; Wriht, 139.
- Writen, pt. pl. wrote, 1136; pp Writen, 139; Write, 244.
- Wrong, s. wrong, 814.