- Wrongful, evil, wrong, 777.
- Wroþ adj. wrath, 814.
- Wrout, pt. s. wrought, acted, 1065; pt. pl. Wroahten, wrought, made, inscribed, 1136; Wrouthe, 775; Wroute, did, 468; 1 p. Wroute, we wrought, we did, 387; pp. Wrouht, wrought, 139; 1 p. s. pt. subj. Wrouthe, I should work, should act, 88. See Wirchen.
- Wrytte, a writing, inscription, 1136. See Writ.
- Wyntyrus, winters, 8.
- Y, pron. 1,110,560, 732.
- Ybore, pp. born, 1081.
- Ybrend, pp. burnt, 1068.
- Ybrouht forth, brought forth, 586.
- Ycore, chosen (to be), 978. See Corn.
- Ydemed, pp. ordained, 909.
- Ydil, idle, 754.
- Ygrowe, pp. grown (to be), become, 976.
- Y-hanteþ = yhanted, pp. practised, 988.
- Yholde, pp. held, possessed by, 863.
- Ykid, pp. known to be, renowned as, 578. See Kid.
- Yknowe, v. to know, learn, perceive, 1060.
- Ylikned, pp. likened, 864.
- Y-maad, pp. made, 617, 914; Ymad, 762, 839.
- Ynow, enough, 956.
- Ypotamus, s. pl. hippopotamuses, 157.
- Yprofred, pp. proffered, offered, 187.
- Y-punched, pp. punished, 395. See Punched.
- Ys, is, 719, 1080.
- Yschape, pp. created, made, 647.
- Ysustained, sustained, 877.
- Ywist, pp. known to be, 582.
- ȝaf, pt. s. gave, 122.
- ȝare, adv. quickly, yare, 241. A.S. gearu, prepared, ready.
- ȝe, ye, 68, 242.
- ȝeme, ger. to guard, protect, 674; to control, 1039. A.S. gýman, to take care of.
- ȝer, life, lit. year, 215; ȝere, year, 203, 711; pl. ȝerus, years, 321.
- ȝernus, pr. s. yearns, 1039; 1 p. pl. ȝernen, we desire, 241; imp. pl. ȝerns, ask ye, desire ye, 67; pp. periled, 215.
- ȝif, if, 29, 508.
- ȝift, s. gift, 67; ȝifte, 69.
- ȝit, yet, nevertheless, 734; moreover, 930.
- ȝiue, v. to give, 674.
- ȝorne, adv. eagerly, 179. A.S. georn, eager.
- ȝou, ace. you, 65; dat. to you, 67; ȝow, you, 209.
- ȝoung, young, 942.
- ȝour, your, 178.
- ȝOure, yours, 271.
- ȝoursilf, yourselves, 1095.
- ȝou-siluen, yourselves, 795.
- ȝoue, dat. youth, 215.