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A Libell of

parted from the Cittie of Lisbone, in the purſuite of the Engliſh Armie: although for the great haſt the Gallions could not be ſo wel repaired as was needfully and with foule weather one was lofty and a Fly-boate was burnt, and having fayled many daies in purſuite of the enemie, untill I arriued at Carthagena, whereas hauing taken the aduiſe of Don Pedro de Acunia, Gouernour of the Cittie, and Captaine generall; for wee had great neede of water, and to repaire our Shippes, we ſtayed in that port, wheras I had intelligence by an Indian, that Frances Drake dyed in Nombre de Dios, for verie griefe that hee had lost ſo many Barkes and men, as was afterwardes more manifeſtlyeknowne